石鹏, 翟喜民, 杨贺捷, 赵辰孜, 闫崇, 别晓非, 姜涛, 张强

Recent advances in composite lithium anode under practical conditions
SHI Peng, ZHAI Ximin, YANG Hejie, ZHAO Chenzi, YAN Chong, BIE Xiaofei, JIANG Tao, ZHANG Qiang
图6 (a) 金属锂在普通Cu箔和PMF骨架中沉积行为示意图[123];(b)三维骨架PPS在电场下的电动效应以及电池中锂离子的电迁移行为,绿色和橘黄色的圆球分别表示阳离子和阴离子[125];(c)复合负极中骨架和溶剂分子之间相互作用的示意图[126]
Fig. 6 (a) Lithium deposits on copper foil directly and through PMF[123]; (b) Electrokinetic phenomena in 3D PPS under an electric field and electrodiffusion of Li ions in traditional cells under an electric field, The green and orange balls represent cations and anions, respectively[125]; (c) Schematic illustration of the polar interaction between the polymer host and solvent molecules in a composite Li anode[126]