何峰, 张静静, 陈奕君, 张建, 王得丽

Recent progress on carbon-based catalysts for electrochemical synthesis of H2O2 via oxygen reduction reaction
Feng HE, Jingjing ZHANG, Yijun CHEN, Jian ZHANG, Deli WANG
图4 H2O2(a) 电流和(b) 选择性与O-CNT的氧含量的关系[41]rGO-KBH4rGO-KOH(c) FTIR光谱和(d) XPS O1s 光谱[60]
Fig. 4 The relationship between the selectivity of H2O2 current (a) and (b) and the oxygen content of O-CNT [41]; FTIR spectrum (c) and XPS O1s spectrum (d) of rGO-KBH4 and rGO-KOH [60]