何峰, 张静静, 陈奕君, 张建, 王得丽

Recent progress on carbon-based catalysts for electrochemical synthesis of H2O2 via oxygen reduction reaction
Feng HE, Jingjing ZHANG, Yijun CHEN, Jian ZHANG, Deli WANG
图6 (a) 所有考虑的金属原子以及SAC示意图;(b) 研究的31SACΔG(*OOH)ΔG(*O)的变化图[34](c) 在旋转圆盘电极(RRDE)中的线性扫描曲线(LSV)(d) 计算得出的H2O2选择性(%)和电子转移数(n)(e) 2e-途径(绿线)4e-途径(黑线)的热力学关系(火山)线,DFT计算的ORR起始电势值(圆圈)在左侧y轴上,实验测得电流密度ln(|j|)(十字和三角)在右侧y[45]
Fig. 6 (a) schematic illustration of all the metal atoms and considered SACs; (b) variations of ΔG(*O) and ΔG(*OOH) on the 31 studied SACs [34]; (c) Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) curves in rotating ring-disk electrode (RRDE) measurements; (d) H2O2 selectivity (%) and the number of electrons (n) derived from RRDE data; (e) thermodynamic relations (volcano) lines for the 2e- (green solid line) and 4e- ORR (black solid line). The DFT calculated ORR onset potential values (circles) are on the left y-axis, while the experimental current densities (crosses and triangles), reported as ln(|j|), are on the right y-axis [45]