储能科学中的磁性表征技术 |
赵志强, 刘恒均, 徐熙祥, 潘圆圆, 李庆浩, 李洪森, 胡涵, 李强 |
Magnetometry technique in energy storage science |
Zhiqiang ZHAO, Hengjun LIU, Xixiang XU, Yuanyuan PAN, Qinghao LI, Hongsen LI, Han HU, Qiang LI |
图14 (a) FeS2 钠离子电池的循环曲线和原位磁性测试曲线;(b) FeS2 电极在SIBs和LIBs中放电至0.01 V后在300 K下的 M-H 曲线[ |
Fig. 14 (a) cyclic curves and operando magnetometry of FeS2 sodium ion battery; (b) M-H curves of FeS2 electrodes after discharge to 0.01 V in SIBs and LIBs at 300 K[ |