储能科学中的磁性表征技术 |
赵志强, 刘恒均, 徐熙祥, 潘圆圆, 李庆浩, 李洪森, 胡涵, 李强 |
Magnetometry technique in energy storage science |
Zhiqiang ZHAO, Hengjun LIU, Xixiang XU, Yuanyuan PAN, Qinghao LI, Hongsen LI, Han HU, Qiang LI |
图4 (a) 200 ℃条件下合成的LiFePO4(1)和富铁材料Li0.94Li0.03FePO4(2)的 M-T 曲线;(b) 以联氨为还原剂合成LiFePO4 的 M-T 曲线[ |
Fig. 4 (a) temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility of stoichiometric LiFePO4 synthesized at 200 ℃ (1) and iron-rich compound Li0.94Li0.03FePO4 (2); (b) temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility of LiFePO4 synthesized using hydrazine as a reducing agent[ |