赵志强, 刘恒均, 徐熙祥, 潘圆圆, 李庆浩, 李洪森, 胡涵, 李强

Magnetometry technique in energy storage science
Zhiqiang ZHAO, Hengjun LIU, Xixiang XU, Yuanyuan PAN, Qinghao LI, Hongsen LI, Han HU, Qiang LI
图6 (a) 700 ℃制备的LiMn2-x Ni x O4 的磁化率随温度的变化[40](b) 不同方法制备的LiNi0.5Mn0.5O2 材料的 M-T 曲线[41](c) LiMn2-x Ni x O4 材料中正常情况()Mn影响下的Ni占据Li()以及单纯的Ni占据Li位引起的磁性变化[20]
Fig. 6 (a) temperature variation of magnetic susceptibility for LiMn2-x Ni x O4 prepared at 700 ℃ [40]; (b) M-T curve of LiNi0.5Mn0.5O2 prepared by difference methods[41]; (c) magnetic changes of LiMn2-x Ni x O4 materials under normal conditions (left), Ni occupying Li sites with Mn influence (middle) and Ni occupying Li sites alone[20]