赵志强, 刘恒均, 徐熙祥, 潘圆圆, 李庆浩, 李洪森, 胡涵, 李强

Magnetometry technique in energy storage science
Zhiqiang ZHAO, Hengjun LIU, Xixiang XU, Yuanyuan PAN, Qinghao LI, Hongsen LI, Han HU, Qiang LI
图7 (a) Li x FePO4(0x1)M-T 曲线;(b) Li0.28FePO4Li0.12FePO4FePO4 的详细磁化率,对应于(a)的阴影部分;(c) Li x FePO4 高度脱锂状态下室温磁性起源[46](d) LiMn y Fe1-y PO4M-T 曲线;(e) Mn y Fe1-y PO4M-T 曲线[47]
Fig. 7 Temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility of Li x FePO4 (0x1); (b) detailed magnetic susceptibility of Li0.28FePO4, Li0.12FePO4 and FePO4, corresponding to shaded section in panel (a); (c) schematic illustration of origin of room-temperature magnetism at high delithiation state of Li x FePO4[46]; (d) M-T curves of LiMn y Fe1-y PO4; (e) M-T curves of Mn y Fe1-y PO4[47]