储能科学中的磁性表征技术 |
赵志强, 刘恒均, 徐熙祥, 潘圆圆, 李庆浩, 李洪森, 胡涵, 李强 |
Magnetometry technique in energy storage science |
Zhiqiang ZHAO, Hengjun LIU, Xixiang XU, Yuanyuan PAN, Qinghao LI, Hongsen LI, Han HU, Qiang LI |
图11 (a) Fe3O4/Li电池在3T磁场作用下的电化学循环曲线及原位磁性测量曲线;(b) 铁磁金属颗粒表面(放电前后)的自旋极化态密度;(c) 在表面电容模型中形成空间电荷区用于额外的锂存储[ |
Fig. 11 (a) operando magnetometry in an Fe3O4/Li cell as a function of electrochemical cycling under an applied magnetic field of 3?T; (b) schematic of spin-polarized density of states at surface of ferromagnetic metal grains (before and after discharge); (c) formation of a space charge zone in surface capacitance model for extra lithium storage[ |