基于蒙特卡罗模拟的离子导体热力学与动力学特性 |
刘金平, 蒲博伟, 邹喆乂, 李铭清, 丁昱清, 任元, 罗亚桥, 李杰, 李亚捷, 王达, 何冰, 施思齐 |
Investigating thermodynamic and kinetic properties of ionic conductors via Monte Carlo simulation |
Jinping LIU, Bowei PU, Zheyi ZOU, Mingqing LI, Yuqing DING, Yuan REN, Yaqiao LUO, Jie LI, Yajie LI, Da WANG, Bing HE, Siqi SHI |
图8 Li离子排布对Li离子迁移势垒的影响[(a)~(c)][ |
Fig. 8 Effect of Li ions arrangement on the transition barrier [(a)-(c)]; (d) diffusion coefficient of Li ion in a-Si and c-Si; (e) first-principles phase diagram obtained from Monte Carlo simulations. The phase regions are denoted in the following way: G (graphite), Ⅱ (stage Ⅱ), ⅡD (disordered stage Ⅱ), Ⅰ (stage Ⅰ), ⅠD (disordered stage Ⅰ), and Ⅱ′ (stage Ⅱ with 2×2 Li ordering) |