周伟东, 黄秋, 谢晓新, 陈科君, 李薇, 邱介山

Research progress of polymer electrolyte for solid state lithium batteries
ZHOU Weidong, HUANG Qiu, XIE Xiaoxin, CHEN Kejun, LI Wei, QIU Jieshan
图12 正极稳定聚合物作为正极黏结剂的锂-聚合物全固态电池的横截面结构示意图,不同放大倍数下TiO2 包覆NCM颗粒的TEM、高分辨率TEM(HRTEM)图以及TiO2 涂层NCM颗粒的SEMNiCoMnTi元素映射图[81]
Fig. 12 The cross-section structure of a Li-polymer all-solid-state cell with cathode stable polymer as cathode bind, transmission electron microscope (TEM) and high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) images of TiO2-coated NCM particles in different magnifications, SEM and elemental mapping images of TiO2-coated NCM particles, Ni, Co, Mn, Ti[81]