姜竹, 邹博杨, 丛琳, 谢春萍, 李传, 谯耕, 赵彦琦, 聂彬剑, 张童童, 葛志伟, 马鸿坤, 金翼, 李永亮, 丁玉龙

Recent progress and outlook of thermal energy storage technologies
Zhu JIANG, Boyang ZOU, Lin CONG, Chunping XIE, Chuan LI, Geng QIAO, Yanqi ZHAO, Binjian NIE, Tongtong ZHANG, Zhiwei GE, Hongkun MA, Yi JIN, Yongliang LI, Yulong DING
图2 历年储能技术的研究论文和专利以及不同储能技术的占比(Scopus检索,关键字为储能技术)
Fig. 2 Numbers of publications and patents over the past 20 years, and the proportions of different energy storage technologies (Scopus, key word is energy storage technology)