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张永辉1,2(), 傅杰1, 李先锋2(), 张长昆2()
Research progress on in-situ characterization techniques for aqueous organic flow batteries
Yonghui ZHANG1,2(), Jie FU1, Xianfeng LI2(), Changkun ZHANG2()

图3. a通过在线(蓝色)和原位(红色)实验测得的自由基分数。b/铁液流电池电化学循环负极醌电解液原位伪二维在线H[44]c/铁液流电池电化学循环正极铁氰根电解液原位伪二维在线H[45]d-e 不同电压下的电化学原位NMR测试谱图。f 不同醌离子物种的质子标签[46]g电池运行过程中的原位伪二维核磁 1H谱。h MB-V液流电池在10 mA cm-2 电流密度下恒流充放电的电压和电流循环曲线。i MB的氧化态(蓝色)、自由基态(黄色)和还原态(红色)的结构式[26]

Fig.3. a In situ pseudo-2D 1H NMR spectra of anolyte acquired during the ferrocyanide(ii)/anthraquinone (AQ) flow battery cycling. b Experimentally determined fraction of DHAQ?3- radicals as a function of SOC determined via the on-line (blue triangles) and operando (purple squares) detection methods. c In situ pseudo-2D 1H NMR spectra of catholyte acquired during electrochemical cycling.[44]. d and e In situ NMR spectra acquired during several potentiostatic cycling. f Proton labels of the several anthraquinone anions[46]. g In situ pseudo-2D 1H NMR spectra of MB acquired during the MB/V flow battery cycling h Current and potential profiles MB-V full cell with a current density of 10 mA cm-2. i Molecular structures of oxidation (red), radical (yellow) and reduction (blue)[26].