邓林旺, 冯天宇, 舒时伟, 郭彬, 张子峰

Nondestructive lithium plating online detection for lithium-ion batteries: A review
Linwang DENG, Tianyu FENG, Shiwei SHU, Bin GUO, Zifeng ZHANG
图6 (a) 放电曲线的差分电压(DV, dV/dQQ 的关系)(b) 放电曲线的差分容量曲线(DC, dQ/dVV 的关系)[15]
Fig. 6 (a) Differential voltage of the discharge curve (the relationship between DV, dV/dQ and Q) and (b) the differential capacity curve of the discharge curve (the relationship between DC, dQ/dV and V)[15]