邓林旺, 冯天宇, 舒时伟, 郭彬, 张子峰

Nondestructive lithium plating online detection for lithium-ion batteries: A review
Linwang DENG, Tianyu FENG, Shiwei SHU, Bin GUO, Zifeng ZHANG
图9 析锂检测结果与放电过程ΔOCV曲线(a) 实验1-1~实验1-4检测结果;(b) 实验2-1~实验2-4检测结果;(c) 实验1-1~实验1-4ΔOCV曲线;(d)实验2-1~实验2-4ΔOCV曲线[29]
Fig. 9 Lithium plating detection results and the ΔOCV curves of the discharging process (a) Detection results of Exp#1-1—Exp#1-4; (b) Detection results of Exp#2-1—Exp#2-4; (c) The ΔOCV curves of Exp#1-1—Exp#1-4; (d) The ΔOCV curves of Exp#2-1—Exp#2-4[29]