邓林旺, 冯天宇, 舒时伟, 郭彬, 张子峰

Nondestructive lithium plating online detection for lithium-ion batteries: A review
Linwang DENG, Tianyu FENG, Shiwei SHU, Bin GUO, Zifeng ZHANG
图10 实验在环境温度 T=-15 ℃,初始SOC=50%,充电电流 I=2 C的条件,将电池充电到不同的SOC末了状态后的一个小时内,每隔10 min进行一次短暂的阻抗谱测试外加一个10 h的测量值,(a) R0, rel(虚部为0的点)(b) |Z|rel5 Hz(频率为5 Hz的阻抗实部)两个阻值随着弛豫时间的变化(不同的颜色代表不同的变化的SOC)[16]
Fig. 10 Under ambient temperature T=-15 ℃, initial SOC=50% and charging current I=2 C, the battery is charged to a different SOC for an hour after the end state. A short impedance is performed every 10 minutes spectral test plus a 10 h measurement value, (a) R0, rel (the point where the imaginary part is 0) and (b) |Z|rel, 5 Hz (the real part of the impedance at a frequency of 5 Hz) two resistance values increase with the relaxation time(Different colors represent different changes in SOC) [16]