赵悠曼, 黄旸, 熊立, 林海军

From material structural feature to the functional feature
Youman ZHAO, Yang HUANG, Li XIONG, Haijun LIN
图7 (a), (b) LZGSLZSS的晶胞结构示意图 (LiS4ZnS4GeSLiSi4 用深绿色、蓝色、天青色以及藏青色四面体表示)(c), (d), (e)为图 (a) 中红色箭头所示的锂离子三种迁移路径上的局域结构环境的放大图
Fig. 7 The unit cell of LZGS (a) and LZSS (b). The LiS4, ZnS4, GeS, and LiSi4 are colored by dark green, blue, pastel cyan and dark cyan. (c), (d), (e) The local environment involving the lithium hopping in the LZGS structure marked as path 1, path 2 and path 3 in (a)