赵悠曼, 黄旸, 熊立, 林海军

From material structural feature to the functional feature
Youman ZHAO, Yang HUANG, Li XIONG, Haijun LIN
图8 用图像匹配算法得到的与LZGSLZSS的硫阴离子框架最匹配的bcc排布结构 (图中的黄色圆球表示材料中硫阴离子的实际晶体位置,红色圆球表示经过图像匹配算法调整后的最符合bcc排布的硫阴离子位置)
Fig. 8 Ideal body-centered-tetragonal (bct) lattice (red) overlaid on the sulfur framework (yellow) of β-Li2ZnGeS4 (a) and Li2ZnSiS4 (b). The root-mean-square (rms) distances from the S atoms in the β-Li2ZnGeS4 and 0.56 ? in the Li2ZnSiS4 to the idealized bcc position are 0.53 ? and 0.56 ? respectively