苑雪, 李洪基, 白文慧, 李正曦, 杨立滨, 王恺, 陈哲

Application of biomass-derived carbon-based anode materials in sodium ion battery
Xue YUAN, Hongji LI, Wenhui BAI, Zhengxi LI, Libin YANG, Kai WANG, Zhe CHEN
图2 RHHC-1100RHHC-1300RHHC-1500(a) XRD谱图;(b) 拉曼光谱;(c)(e) HRTEM图像(插图是对应的SAED图像)[24](f) PWT-1000(g) PWT-1200(h) PWT1400(i) PWT-1600SEM图像(插图显示了其放大图像)[52]
Fig. 2 (a) XRD patterns of RHHC-1100, RHHC-1300 and RHHC-1500; (b) Raman spectra; (c)(e) HRTEM images (inset is the corresponding SAED image)[24]; SEM image of (f) PWT-1000; (g) PWT-1200; (h)PWT1400; (i) PWT-1600 (inset shows enlarged image)[52]