苑雪, 李洪基, 白文慧, 李正曦, 杨立滨, 王恺, 陈哲

Application of biomass-derived carbon-based anode materials in sodium ion battery
Xue YUAN, Hongji LI, Wenhui BAI, Zhengxi LI, Libin YANG, Kai WANG, Zhe CHEN
图4 (a) H3PO4 活化柚子皮生成的多孔碳材料的N2 吸附解吸等温线(插图显示了其孔径分布)[61](b) HPC-1-1HPC-1-2HPC-2-2HPC-2-4的孔径分布[62](c)(d) PC-3SEM图像及其对应的元素分布图;(e) PC-3XPS图谱;(f) P元素的高倍率XPS图谱[64]
Fig. 4 (a) N2 adsorption and desorption isotherm of porous carbon material generated by H3PO4 activation of pomelo peel (the inset shows the pore size distribution)[61]; (b) Pore size distribution of HPC-1-1, HPC-1-2, HPC-2-2 and HPC-2-4[62]; (c)(d) SEM image of PC-3 and its corresponding element distribution; (e) XPS map of PC-3; (f) High rate XPS map of P element[64]