苑雪, 李洪基, 白文慧, 李正曦, 杨立滨, 王恺, 陈哲

Application of biomass-derived carbon-based anode materials in sodium ion battery
Xue YUAN, Hongji LI, Wenhui BAI, Zhengxi LI, Libin YANG, Kai WANG, Zhe CHEN
图11 (a) AC7000.1 mV/sCV曲线;(b) AC700100 mA/g1,第2,第50和第150次循环的恒流充放电曲线;(c) AC600AC700AC800的倍率性能;(d) AC700100 mA/g下的循环性能[87]
Fig. 11 (a) CV curve of AC700 at 0.1 mV/s; (b) AC700 at 100 mA/g at 1st, 2nd, Constant-current charge-discharge curves for the 50th and 150th cycles; (c) Rate performance of AC600, AC700, and AC800;(d) Cycle performance of AC700 at 100 mA/g[87]