姚逸鸣, 栾伟玲, 陈莹, 孙敏

Recent progress in aging degradation of lithium-ion battery materials via in-situ optical microscopy
Yiming YAO, Weiling LUAN, Ying CHEN, Min SUN
图9 石墨负极表面的形态演化过程及对应的外特性曲线图[22](a) 两个电池在10 min静止期间的石墨电压曲线;(b) 在静止期间不同时间点的石墨表面的局部光学图像;(c) 与两个开路电压曲线相关的dV/dt 曲线;(d) 在延长至50 min静置期间,石墨表面蓝色的百分比
Fig. 9 The morphological evolution process of graphite anode surface and the corresponding external characteristic curves[22] (a) voltage curves of graphite during a 10 min OCV rest period for two cells; (b) local optical images of the graphite surfaces at different points in time during the OCV rest; (c) dV/dt curves associated with the two voltage profiles; (d) blue of graphite during the extended 50 min OCV rest period