姚逸鸣, 栾伟玲, 陈莹, 孙敏

Recent progress in aging degradation of lithium-ion battery materials via in-situ optical microscopy
Yiming YAO, Weiling LUAN, Ying CHEN, Min SUN
图14 石墨负极表面应变场随锂浓度的演化[83](a) 石墨负极表面应变场演化过程;(b) 石墨负极表面平均锂浓度和平均应变曲线各自时间的关系
Fig. 14 Evolution of strain field on graphite anode surface with lithium concentration changing[83] (a) evolution of the strain field on the surface of the graphite anode; (b) average concentration and average in-plane strain as a function of time on the surface of the graphite anode, respectively