李社栋, 宋莹莹, 边煜华, 刘朝孟, 高宣雯, 骆文彬

Status and challenges in the development of room-temperature sodium-sulfur batteries
Shedong LI, Yingying SONG, Yuhua BIAN, Zhaomeng LIU, Xuanwen GAO, Wenbin LUO
图9 (a) 多硫化物分解ECEMC的可能机理,(b) 微孔-中孔炭(MMC)/S2-4阴极和Na阳极在碳酸盐电解质中的电压-容量曲线[40](c) S在阴极主体孔道中的电压-容量曲线,(d) S在阴极主体表面的电压-容量曲线[14]
Fig. 9 (a) Plausible mechanism for EC and EMC decomposition by polysulfide, (b) Voltage-capacity profile of a microporous-mesoporous carbon (MMC)/S2-4 cathode and Na anode in carbonate electrolyte[40], (c) S in the pores of the cathode host, (d) S on the surface of the cathode host[14]