周俊龙, 赵鲁康, 刘朝孟, 高宣雯, 骆文彬

Advances in the research of quantum dots anode for alkali metal ion batteries
Junlong ZHOU, Lukang ZHAO, Zhaomeng LIU, Xuanwen GAO, Wenbin LUO
图6 (a) 表面官能团定制BN-CQD的结构优势图[73](b) CDs@rGO堆叠模型机理图[74](c) LAP-rGO-CDs合成示意图[75](d) F-CQD@etched-Cu电极提高快速循环性能的3种效应示意图[78]
Fig. 6 (a) Illustration the advantage of surface functional group-tailored BN-CQD structure[73]; (b) Schematic diagram of CDs@rGO stacked models[74]; (c) Schematic of the preparation process for LAP-rGO-CDs[75]; (d) Schematic illustration of the three main effects on the F-CQD@etched-Cu electrode for improving ultrafast cycling[78]