周俊龙, 赵鲁康, 刘朝孟, 高宣雯, 骆文彬

Advances in the research of quantum dots anode for alkali metal ion batteries
Junlong ZHOU, Lukang ZHAO, Zhaomeng LIU, Xuanwen GAO, Wenbin LUO
图7 (a) 3DOP Ge@N-C负极和Ge/N-C负极的锂化/脱锂过程示意图[79](b) SbQD@C在异质界面处的电荷密度差[80](c) B@rGO负极的储锂机制以及横截面叠加模型示意图[84]
Fig. 7 (a) Schematics of the lithiation and subsequent delithiation process of the 3DOP Ge@N-C anode and Ge/N-C anode[79]; (b) The difference charge density of SbQD@C at the heterogeneous interface (e/?3)[80]; (c) Proposed mechanism of the B@rGO anode during the lithium storage process; and schematic diagram of the stacked models at the cross-section[84]