周俊龙, 赵鲁康, 刘朝孟, 高宣雯, 骆文彬

Advances in the research of quantum dots anode for alkali metal ion batteries
Junlong ZHOU, Lukang ZHAO, Zhaomeng LIU, Xuanwen GAO, Wenbin LUO
图8 (a) Ni2P@NPC的合成示意图[88](b) 0D/2D SnSe@f-Ti3C2 复合材料优异性能的机理示意图[91](c) Fe2O3/MoO3@NLi+ 离子扩散路径示意图[93]
Fig. 8 (a) Schematic illustration of Ni2P@NPC building-up process[88]; (b) Schematic illustration of the mechanism of the superior performance of 0D/2D SnSe@f-Ti3C2 composites[91]; (c) Li+ diffusion path of Fe2O3/MoO3@N[93]