锂离子电池电化学模型发展与应用 |
昝文达, 张睿, 丁飞 |
Development and application of electrochemical models for lithium-ion batteries |
Wenda ZAN, Rui ZHANG, Fei DING |
图8 (a) 循环过程中SEI生长(棕色区域)和析锂(蓝色区域)导致的电池容量损失;(b) 锂离子电池的非线性容量损失;(c) 引入CEI膜的介观尺度模型;(d) 不同CEI膜厚度与阻塞程度下电势沿电极厚度方向的变化;(e) 不同CEI膜厚度与阻塞程度下锂离子浓度沿厚度方向的变化 |
Fig. 8 (a) The loss of capacity caused by SEI formation (brown area) and lithium plating (blue area) during long-term cycling; (b) Nonlinear loss of capacity during long-term cycling; (c) The three-dimensional reconstruction model of NCM cathode with CEI film; (d) The variation of electric potential along the thickness direction with different thicknesses of CEI film and blockage degrees; (e) The variation of lithium ion concentration along the thickness direction with different thicknesses of CEI film and blockage degrees |
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