1+N+X ”产教融合协同育人模式在储能专业人才培养中的探索与实践
李巾锭, 樊林浩, 张寿行, 李斯奇, 王惟宇, 杜青, 凌国维, 潘刚, 焦魁, 王成山
Exploration and practice of "1+N+X" model of industry-education integration and collaborative education in training talents for energy storage
Jinding LI, Linhao FAN, Shouhang ZHANG, Siqi LI, Weiyu WANG, Qing DU, Guowei LING, Gang PAN, Kui JIAO, Chengshan WANG
储能科学与技术 . 2024, (6): 2099 -2106 .  DOI: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2024.0046