储能科学与技术 ›› 2016, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (3): 285-291.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-4239.2016.03.004
朱 娜,吴 锋,吴 川,白 莹,李翌通
ZHU Na, WU Feng, WU Chuan, BAI Ying, LI Yitong
摘要: 作为一种新型的储能电池体系,钠离子电池具有资源丰富、成本低、比容量较高等优点,近年来引起了全世界范围内的广泛关注。电解质是制备高性能,长循环寿命,安全性良好的钠离子电池的关键材料之一。本文简要介绍有机电解质、水系电解质、离子液体电解质、固体聚合物电解质、无机固态复合电解质和凝胶态聚合物电解质等体系在钠离子电池中的研究进展,讨论这些电解质体系的电导率、电化学窗口、热稳定性等特点。目前应用在钠离子电池中较为成熟的是有机电解质,展现了良好的综合性能,但安全性仍有待改善。而安全性能较好的离子液体电解质、固体电解质及凝胶态电解质还有许多基础科学需要探索,并且需要考虑成本、电导率、机械强度等诸多因素。基于上述评述,展望了钠离子电池电解质的未来发展。
朱 娜,吴 锋,吴 川,白 莹,李翌通. 钠离子电池的电解质[J]. 储能科学与技术, 2016, 5(3): 285-291.
ZHU Na, WU Feng, WU Chuan, BAI Ying, LI Yitong. Recent advances of electrolytes for sodium-ion batteries[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2016, 5(3): 285-291.
[1] 潘慧霖,王跃生,胡勇胜,等. 室温钠离子储能电池关键材料研究进展[J]. 新材料产业,2012(9): 22-30.
PAN Huilin,WANG Yuesheng,HU Yongsheng,et al. The research progress of key materials in sodium-ion battery for energy storage[J]. Advanced Materials Industry,2012,9:22-30.
[2] ELLIS B L,NAZAR L F. Sodium and sodium-ion energy storage batteries[J]. Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci.,2012,16(4): 168-177.
[3] KIM S W,SEO D H,MA X,et al. Electrode materials for rechargeable sodium-ion batteries:Potential alternatives to current lithium-ion batteries[J]. Adv. Energy Mater.,2012,2(7): 710-721.
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[7] SLATER M D,KIM D,LEE E,et al. Sodium-ion batteries[J]. Adv. Funct. Mater.,2013,23(8):947-958.
[8] PALOMARES V,CASAS-CABANAS M,CASTILLO-MARTINEZ E,et al. Update on Na-based battery materials. A growing research path[J]. Energy Environ. Sci.,2013,6(8):2312-2337.
[9] 李慧,吴川,吴锋,等. 钠离子电池:储能电池的一种新选择[J]. 化学学报,2013,72:21-29.
LI Hui,WU Chuan,WU Feng,et al. Sodium ion battery:A promising energy-storage candidate for supporting renewable electricity[J]. Acta Chim. Sinica,2013,72:21-29.
[10] WENZEL S,HARA T,JANEK J,et al. Room-temperature sodium-ion batteries:Improving the rate capability of carbon anode materials by templating strategies[J]. Energy Environ. Sci.,2011,4(9):3342-3345.
[11] DUNN B,KAMATH H,TARASCON J M. Electrical energy storage for the grid:A battery of choices[J]. Science,2011,334(6058):928-935.
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[13] PONROUCH A. In search of an optimized electrolyte for Na-ion batteries[J]. Energy Environ. Sci.,2012,5(9):8572-8583.
[14] KOMABA S,MURATA W,ISHIKAWA T,et al. Electrochemical Na insertion and solid electrolyte interphase for hard-carbon electrodes and application to Na-ion batteries[J]. Adv. Funct. Mater.,2011,21(20):3859-3867.
[15] DING J J,ZHOU Y N,SUN Q,et al. Electrochemical properties of P2-phase Na0.74CoO2 compounds as cathode material for rechargeable sodium-ion batteries[J]. Electrochim. Acta,2013,87:388-393.
[16] AMRTHA B J,ANNA KATHARINA D,JUREN J,et al. Electrochemical stability of non-aqueouselectrolytes for sodium-ion batteries and theircompatibility with Na0.7CoO2[J]. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,2013,16(5):1987-1998.
[17] JANG J Y,KIM H,LEE Y,et al. Cyclic carbonate based-electrolytes enhancing the electrochemical performance of Na4Fe3(PO4)2(P2O7) cathodes for sodium-ion batteries[J]. Electrochem. Commun.,2014,44:74-77.
[18] KIM H,HONG J,PARK Y U,et al. Sodium storage behavior in natural graphite using ether-based electrolyte systems[J]. Adv. Func. Mater.,2015,25(4):534-541.
[19] KOMABA S,ISHIKAWA T,YABUUCHI N,et al. Fluorinated ethylene carbonate as electrolyte additive for rechargeable Na batteries[J]. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2011,3(11):4165-4168.
[20] OH S M,MYUNG S T,YOON C S,et al. Advanced Na[Ni0.25Fe0.5Mn0.25]O2/C-Fe3O4 sodium-ion batteries using EMS electrolyte for energy storage[J]. Nano Lett.,2014,14(3):1620-1626.
[21] 杨汉西,钱江锋. 水溶液钠离子电池及其关键材料的研究进展[J]. 无机材料学报,2013,28(11):1165-1171.
YANG Hanxi,QIAN Jiangfeng. Recent development of aqueous sodium ion batteries and their key materials[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials,2013,28(11):1165-1171.
[22] WHITACRE J F,TEVAR A,SHARMA S. Na4Mn9O18 as a positive electrode material for an aqueous electrolyte sodium-ion energy storage device[J]. Electrochem. Commun.,2010,12(3):463-466.
[23] WHITACRE J F,WILEY T,SHANBHAG S,et al. An aqueous electrolyte,sodium ion functional,large format energy storage device for stationary applications[J]. J. Power Sources,2012,213:255-264.
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[26] LI Z,YOUNG D,XIANG K,et al . Towards high power high energy aqueous sodium-ion batteries:The NaTi2(PO4)3/Na0.44MnO2 system[J]. Adv. Energy Mater.,2013,3(3):290-294.
[27] WESSELLS C D,PEDDADA S V,HUGGINS R A,et al. Nickel hexacyanoferrate nanoparticle electrodes for aqueous sodium and potassium ion batteries[J]. Nano Lett.,2011,11(12):5421-5425.
[28] WESSELLS C D,MCDOWELL M T,PEDDADA S V,et al. Tunable reaction potentials in open framework nanoparticle battery electrodes for grid-scale energy storage[J]. ACS Nano,2012,6(2):1688-1694.
[29] MONTI D,JONSSON E,PALACIN M R,et al. Ionic liquid based electrolytes for sodium-ion batteries:Na+ solvation and ionic conductivity[J]. J. Power Sources,2014,245:630-636.
[30] WONGITTHAROM N,WANG C H,WANG Y C,et al. Ionic liquid electrolytes with various sodium solutes for rechargeable Na/NaFePO4 batteries operated at elevated temperatures[J]. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2014,6(20):17564-17570.
[31] WONGITTHAROM N,LEE T C,WANG C H,et al. Electrochemical performance of Na/NaFePO4 sodium-ion batteries with ionic liquid electrolytes[J]. J. Mater. Chem.,2014,2(16):5655-5661.
[32] WANG C H,YEH Y W,WONGITTHAROM N,et al. Rechargeable Na/Na0.44MnO2 cells with ionic liquid electrolytes containing various sodium solutes[J]. J. Power Sources,2015,274:1016-1023.
[33] SERRA MORENO J,MARESCA G,PANERO S,et al. Sodium-conducting ionic liquid-based electrolytes[J]. Electrochem. Commun.,2014,43:1-4.
[34] NIMAH Y L,CHENG M Y,JU H C,et al. Solid-state polymer nanocomposite electrolyte of TiO2PEONaClO4 for sodium ion batteries[J]. J. Power Sources,2015,278(278):375-381.
[35] BOSCHIN A,JOHANSSON P. Characterization of NaX(X=TFSI FSI) -PEO based solid polymer electrolytes for sodium batteries[J]. Electrochim. Acta,2015,175:124-133.
[36] BHARGAV P B,MOHAN V M,SHARMA A K,et al. Structural and electrical properties of pure and NaBr doped poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA) polymer electrolyte films for solid state battery applications[J]. Ionics,2007,13(6):441-446.
[37] BHARGAV P B,MOHAN V M,SHARMA A K,et al. Structural,electrical and optical characterization of pure and doped poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA) polymer electrolyte films[J]. Int. J. Polym. Mater.,2007,56(6):579-591.
[38] BHARGAV P B,MOHAN V M,SHARMA A K,et al. Investigations on electrical properties of (PVA:NaF) polymer electrolytes for electrochemical cell applications[J]. Curr. Appl. Phys.,2009,9(1):165-171.
[39] OSMAN Z,ISA K B M,AHMAD A,et al. A comparative study of lithium and sodium salts in PAN-based ion conducting polymer electrolytes[J]. Ionics,2010,16(16):431-435.
[40] PALOMARES V,SERRAS P,VILLALUENGA I,et al. Na-ion batteries,recent advances and present challenges to become low cost energy storage systems[J]. Energy Environ. Sci.,2012,5(3):5884-5901.
[41] GUIN M,TIETZ F. Survey of the transport properties of sodium superionic conductor materials for use in sodium batteries[J]. J. Power Sources,2015,273:1056-1064.
[42] HONMA T,OKAMOTO M,TOGASHI T,et al. Electrical conductivity of Na2O-Nb2O5-P2O5 glass and fabrication of glass-ceramic composites with NASICON type Na3Zr2Si2PO12[J]. Solid State Ion., 2015,269:19-23.
[43] YANG Y Q,CHANG Z,LI M X,et al. A sodium ion conducting gel polymer electrolyte[J]. Solid State Ion.,2015,269:1-7.
[44] GAO H,GUO B,SONG J,et al. A composite gel-polymer/glass-fiber electrolyte for sodium-ion batteries[J]. Adv. Energy Mater.,2015, 5(9).
[45] KUMAR D,HASHMI S A. Ionic liquid based sodium ion conducting gel polymer electrolytes[J]. Solid State Ion.,2010,181(8):416-423.
[1] 潘慧霖,王跃生,胡勇胜,等. 室温钠离子储能电池关键材料研究进展[J]. 新材料产业,2012(9): 22-30. PAN Huilin,WANG Yuesheng,HU Yongsheng,et al. The research progress of key materials in sodium-ion battery for energy storage[J]. Advanced Materials Industry,2012,9:22-30. [2] ELLIS B L,NAZAR L F. Sodium and sodium-ion energy storage batteries[J]. Curr. Opin. [3] KIM S W,SEO D H,MA X,et al. Electrode materials for rechargeable sodium-ion batteries:Potential alternatives to current lithium-ion batteries[J]. Adv. Energy Mater.,2012,2(7): 710-721. [4] ONG S P,CHEVRIER V L,HAUTIER G,et al. Voltage,stability and diffusion barrier differences between sodium-ion and lithium-ion intercalation materials[J]. Energy Environ. Sci.,2011,4(9): 3680-3688. [5] 叶飞鹏,王莉,连芳,等. 钠离子电池研究进展[J]. 化工进展,2013(8): 1789-1795. YE Feipeng,WANG Li,LIAN Fang,et al. Advance in Na-ion batteries[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress,2013(8):1789-1795. [6] JIAN Z,ZHAO L,PAN H,et al. Carbon coated Na3V2(PO4)3 as novel electrode material for sodium ion batteries[J]. Electrochem. Commun.,2012,14(1):86-89. [7] SLATER M D,KIM D,LEE E,et al. Sodium-ion batteries[J]. Adv. Funct. Mater.,2013,23(8):947-958. [8] PALOMARES V,CASAS-CABANAS M,CASTILLO-MARTINEZ E,et al. Update on Na-based battery materials. A growing research path[J]. Energy Environ. Sci.,2013,6(8):2312-2337. [9] 李慧,吴川,吴锋,等. 钠离子电池:储能电池的一种新选择[J]. 化学学报,2013,72:21-29. LI Hui,WU Chuan,WU Feng,et al. Sodium ion battery:A promising energy-storage candidate for supporting renewable electricity[J]. Acta Chim. Sinica,2013,72:21-29. [10] WENZEL S,HARA T,JANEK J,et al. Room-temperature sodium-ion batteries:Improving the rate capability of carbon anode materials by templating strategies[J]. Energy Environ. Sci.,2011,4(9):3342-3345. [11] DUNN B,KAMATH H,TARASCON J M. Electrical energy storage for the grid:A battery of choices[J]. Science,2011,334(6058):928-935. [12] DIAZ-GONZALEZ F,SUPER A,GOMIS BELLMUNT O,et al. A review of energy storage technologies for wind power applications[J]. Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev.,2012,16(4):2154-2171. [13] PONROUCH A. In search of an optimized electrolyte for Na-ion batteries[J]. Energy Environ. Sci.,2012,5(9):8572-8583. [14] KOMABA S,MURATA W,ISHIKAWA T,et al. Electrochemical Na insertion and solid electrolyte interphase for hard-carbon electrodes and application to Na-ion batteries[J]. Adv. Funct. Mater.,2011,21(20):3859-3867. [15] DING J J,ZHOU Y N,SUN Q,et al. Electrochemical properties of P2-phase Na0.74CoO2 compounds as cathode material for rechargeable sodium-ion batteries[J]. Electrochim. Acta,2013,87:388-393. [16] AMRTHA B J,ANNA KATHARINA D,JUREN J,et al. Electrochemical stability of non-aqueouselectrolytes for sodium-ion batteries and theircompatibility with Na0.7CoO2[J]. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,2013,16(5):1987-1998. [17] JANG J Y,KIM H,LEE Y,et al. Cyclic carbonate based-electrolytes enhancing the electrochemical performance of Na4Fe3(PO4)2(P2O7) cathodes for sodium-ion batteries[J]. Electrochem. Commun.,2014,44:74-77. [18] KIM H,HONG J,PARK Y U,et al. Sodium storage behavior in natural graphite using ether-based electrolyte systems[J]. Adv. Func. Mater.,2015,25(4):534-541. [19] KOMABA S,ISHIKAWA T,YABUUCHI N,et al. Fluorinated ethylene carbonate as electrolyte additive for rechargeable Na batteries[J]. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2011,3(11):4165-4168. [20] OH S M,MYUNG S T,YOON C S,et al. Advanced Na[Ni0.25Fe0.5Mn0.25]O2/C-Fe3O4 sodium-ion batteries using [21] 杨汉西,钱江锋. 水溶液钠离子电池及其关键材料的研究进展[J]. 无机材料学报,2013,28(11):1165-1171. YANG Hanxi,QIAN Jiangfeng. Recent development of aqueous sodium ion batteries and their key materials[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials,2013,28(11):1165-1171. [22] WHITACRE J F,TEVAR A,SHARMA S. Na4Mn9O18 as a positive electrode material for an aqueous electrolyte sodium-ion energy storage device[J]. Electrochem. Commun.,2010,12(3):463-466. [23] WHITACRE J F,WILEY T,SHANBHAG S,et al. An aqueous electrolyte,sodium ion functional,large format energy storage device for stationary applications[J]. J. Power Sources,2012,213:255-264. [24] WU X, [25] PARK S I,GOCHEVA I,OKADA S,et al. Electrochemical properties of NaTi2(PO4)3 anode for rechargeable aqueous sodium-ion batteries[J]. J. Electrochem. Soc.,2011,158(10):A1067-A1070. [26] LI Z,YOUNG D,XIANG K,et al . Towards high power high energy aqueous sodium-ion batteries:The NaTi2(PO4)3/Na0.44MnO2 system[J]. Adv. Energy Mater.,2013,3(3):290-294. [27] WESSELLS C D,PEDDADA S V,HUGGINS R A,et al. Nickel hexacyanoferrate nanoparticle electrodes for aqueous sodium and potassium ion batteries[J]. Nano Lett.,2011,11(12):5421-5425. [28] WESSELLS C D,MCDOWELL M T,PEDDADA S V,et al. Tunable reaction potentials in open framework nanoparticle battery electrodes for grid-scale energy storage[J]. ACS Nano,2012,6(2):1688-1694. [29] MONTI D,JONSSON E,PALACIN M R,et al. Ionic liquid based electrolytes for sodium-ion batteries:Na+ solvation and ionic conductivity[J]. J. Power Sources,2014,245:630-636. [30] WONGITTHAROM N,WANG C H,WANG Y C,et al. Ionic liquid electrolytes with various sodium solutes for rechargeable Na/NaFePO4 batteries operated at elevated temperatures[J]. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2014,6(20):17564-17570. [31] WONGITTHAROM N,LEE T C,WANG C H,et al. Electrochemical performance of Na/NaFePO4 sodium-ion batteries with ionic liquid electrolytes[J]. J. Mater. Chem.,2014,2(16):5655-5661. [32] WANG C H,YEH Y W,WONGITTHAROM N,et al. Rechargeable Na/Na0.44MnO2 cells with ionic liquid electrolytes containing various sodium solutes[J]. J. Power Sources,2015,274:1016-1023. [33] SERRA MORENO J,MARESCA G,PANERO S,et al. Sodium-conducting ionic liquid-based electrolytes[J]. Electrochem. Commun.,2014,43:1-4. [34] NIMAH Y L,CHENG M Y,JU H C,et al. Solid-state polymer nanocomposite electrolyte of TiO2PEONaClO4 for sodium ion batteries[J]. J. Power Sources,2015,278(278):375-381. [35] BOSCHIN A,JOHANSSON P. Characterization of NaX(X=TFSI FSI) -PEO based solid polymer electrolytes for sodium batteries[J]. Electrochim. Acta,2015,175:124-133. [36] BHARGAV P B,MOHAN V M,SHARMA A K,et al. Structural and electrical properties of pure and NaBr doped poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA) polymer electrolyte films for solid state battery applications[J]. Ionics,2007,13(6):441-446. [37] BHARGAV P B,MOHAN V M,SHARMA A K,et al. Structural,electrical and optical characterization of pure and doped poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA) polymer electrolyte films[J]. Int. J. Polym. Mater.,2007,56(6):579-591. [38] BHARGAV P B,MOHAN V M,SHARMA A K,et al. Investigations on electrical properties of (PVA:NaF) polymer electrolytes for electrochemical cell applications[J]. Curr. Appl. Phys.,2009,9(1):165-171. [39] OSMAN Z,ISA K B M,AHMAD A,et al. A comparative study of lithium and sodium salts in PAN-based ion conducting polymer electrolytes[J]. Ionics,2010,16(16):431-435. [40] PALOMARES V,SERRAS P,VILLALUENGA I,et al. Na-ion batteries,recent advances and present challenges to become low cost energy storage systems[J]. Energy Environ. Sci.,2012,5(3):5884-5901. [41] GUIN M,TIETZ F. Survey of the transport properties of sodium superionic conductor materials for use in sodium batteries[J]. J. Power Sources,2015,273:1056-1064. [42] HONMA T,OKAMOTO M,TOGASHI T,et al. Electrical conductivity of Na2O-Nb2O5-P2O5 glass and fabrication of glass-ceramic composites with NASICON type Na3Zr2Si2PO12[J]. Solid State Ion., 2015,269:19-23. [43] YANG Y Q,CHANG Z,LI M X,et al. A sodium ion conducting gel polymer electrolyte[J]. [44] GAO H,GUO B,SONG J,et al. A composite gel-polymer/glass-fiber electrolyte for sodium-ion batteries[J]. Adv. Energy Mater.,2015, 5(9). [45] KUMAR D,HASHMI S A. 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