
  • Energy Storage Science and Technology》(ESST(CN10-1076/TK, ISSN2095-4239) is the bimonthly journal in the area of energy storage, and hosted by Chemical Industry Press and the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China in 2012,The editor-in-chief now is professor HUANG Xuejie of Institute of Physics, CAS. ESST is focusing on both fundamental and applied aspects of energy storage science and technology. Submissions can be in English or Chinese. It is included in Chinese Sci-tech Core Journal, main indexed by CSCD(China), Ulrichsweb(America), INSPEC(England), CA(America), and others database etc.

    Scope of ESST

    ESST considers the following types of articles for publication:

    *   Full Length Article: Full length articles (4000-7000 words) are original, high-quality, research papers presenting novel scientific findings related to energy storage;

    *   Review: Reviews (6000-8000 words) are state-of-the-art overview of a specific area or topic presenting a comprehensive review of research related to energy storage. Authors who wish to submit (or suggest) a Review should contact the Editor-in-Chief and send an outline and names of potential reviewers;

    *   Discussion: A short commentary (1000-3000 words) discussing an article previously published in ESST;

    *   Industry News: Industrial news are primarily for reporting innovations and experiences in demonstration, commercialization, operation, marketing, application and integration of energy storage technologies.

    ESST considers submissions of all aspects related to energy storage technologies, including but not limited to the following: pumped hydro energy storage, compressed air energy storage, cryogenicenergy storage, thermal energy storage, chemical energy storage (e.g. lead-acid battery, lithium battery, vanadium redox flow battery, sodium-sulphur battery, hydrogen, etc.), superconducting magnetic energy storage, flywheel, capacitors, and supercapacitors. Examples of topics include but not limited to energy storage materials, energy storage processes, new thermodynamic cycles, system integration and optimization, theoretical analyses and process modeling, and application of energy storage technologies with industrial processes etc.

    ESST Copyright

    All authors must sign a Transfer of Copyright Agreement before the paper can be published. This agreement enables the publisher to protect the copyrighted material for the authors, without affecting the authors’ proprietary rights. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright holder to reproduce any figures or other material included in the paper for which copyright already exists.

    ESST Publisher and Supporting Organisations

    ESST is sponsored and published by Chemical Industry Press, superintended by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, and supported academically by the Centre for Energy Storage Science and Engineering of Institute of Process Engineering of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of CAS, Tsinghua University, China National Institute of Clean and Low-carbon Energy, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics of CAS etc.

    Advertising opportunities and information:

    Corporate image publicity; Provide information on market supply and demand, conferences and exhibitions for energy storage enterprises and institutions to promote raw materials, products, technology and talent recruitment.


    Subscription rate


    Energy storage science and Technology (ISSN 2095-4239)


    The annual subscription rate is US $1176 (12 issues). The extra charge for airmail is $100 per year.


    Only pre paid subscriptions are accepted and delivered upon receipt of payment. Subscriptions are based on calendar years (January to December) until the last issue of the last volume. Subscription requests should be sent to the editorial department. Private subscribers should declare that the subscription content is for personal use only and will not be handed over to any library.

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    Please make the cheque payable to Ms. XI Xiangli

    Address: Energy Storage Science and Technology

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    No.13, Qingnianhu South Street, Dongcheng District,  Beijing, China

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