Instructions for authors

  • Instructions for authors


    Energy Storage Science and Technology (ESST) was founded in 2012, and hosted by Chemical Industry Press and the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China(2016)The editor-in-chief now is professor HUANG Xuejie of Institute of Physics, CAS. ESST is focusing on both fundamental and applied aspects of energy storage science and technology. Submissions can be in English or Chinese. It is included in Chinese Sci-tech Core Journal, main indexed by CSCD(China), Ulrichsweb(America), INSPEC(England), CA(America), and others database etc. it is the official journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, and published by Chemical Industry Press Co., Ltd. Energy Storage Science and Technology welcomes articles in the forms of research papers and literature reviews. The main columns Include Invited Paper, Energy Storage Materials and Devices, Energy Storage System and Engineering, Energy Storage Test: Methods and Evaluation, Technical Economic Analysis of Energy Storage, Energy Storage Education, Energy Storage Patent, Energy Storage Standards and Specifications, etc.


    Review Process

    Each manuscript is subjected to three successive reviews: first review by editors who have expertise on the subject of the manuscript, peer review and final review. Peer review is conducted in the form of double-blind peer review (at least two experts) and an objective refereeing is based mainly on the scientific validity of its content. Finally, a decision to accept or reject a manuscript is made by the Editorial Committee.

    Submission requirements

    1. Clearly expressed viewpoints, valid and reliable data, terse academic discourse as well as keeping state secrets are prerequisites for contributions.

    2. The indispensable parts of the contribution are:

    Chinese Section: title, name of author and work units, location city and province, zip code, abstract, key words, CLC (Chinese Library Classification) No, text, references.

    English Section: title, name of author (Chinese alphabet) and work unit and its address, abstract, key words,

    3. The contribution must adhere to the standardized use of standardized terminology and define the Chinese and English initials or abbreviations, if any, for their first appearance.

    4. All the tables and figures should be carefully selected, reasonably designed and self-evidently presented, without re-description or restatement in the text. Photos must have high definition, good contrast, be properly tailored, and have an indication of magnification.

    5. All the references should be formal publications. The Chinese references in the references section must be annotated in English.

    6. The author should visit the, and finalize his contribution under the guidance of the Energy Storage Science and Technology submission guidelines. Those which do not conform to the submission requirement will be returned to the author for revision before submitting for refereeing. The final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript is made by the Energy Storage Science and Technology Editorial Board.

    7. The copyright in the manuscript shall belong to its author, who should take the sole responsibility for the consequences of his views and data. The author’s signature is required for any post-submission changes in the byline. The contribution must be free from copyright disputes. In accordance with copyright law of the people’s republic of China, the Energy Storage Science and Technology reserves the right to making revisions and truncations in the manuscript.

    8. Manuscripts should be submitted online through the Energy Storage Science and Technology Editorial System available from Authors are expected to visit this site for registration and submission.

    ADD: No.13 Qingnianhu South Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100011,China
    TEL: 0086-010-64519601/9602/ 9643, E-mail:


    Processing process of manuscript

    1. Receive manuscript

    2. First review

    3. External auditor

    4. Revise

    5. Review

    6. Final review

    7. Accept and upload the copyright agreement

    8. Editorincharge

    9. Check the proofs

    10. Publish

    11. Rejection (if the manuscript does not meet the requirements in any process, rejected immediately)



    Energy Storage Science and Technology charges the manuscript if is external auditor and accepted for publication. Payment can be made by online or bank transfer. External auditor fee, 400 CNY per manuscript; publication fee, 400 CNY per page for monochrome printing.

    Manuscript templates

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