Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2025, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (1): 190-192.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2024.1246

• Energy Storage System and Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The significance and development of the collaborative application of distribution network communication and distributed energy storage technology

Ye TIAN1(), Shanshan WANG1, Xu YAO2, Jiaxin LIU1, Xiaodong HAN2()   

  1. 1.Electric Power Research Institute, State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Co. , Ltd. , Shenyang 110006, Liaoning, China
    2.Beijing Kedong Power Control System Co. , Ltd. , Beijing 100192, China
  • Received:2024-12-30 Revised:2025-01-14 Online:2025-01-28 Published:2025-02-25
  • Contact: Xiaodong HAN;


The development of power systems and the popularization of distributed generation have made the stability and operational efficiency of distribution networks a research focus. Distribution network communication technologies enable information transfer and data exchange among devices, supporting grid monitoring, control, and management; distributed energy storage technologies are vital for peak shaving and frequency modulation, significantly impacting grid stability. The collaborative application of these two technologies is an essential development direction in the power system domain, bearing significant importance for enhancing grid stability, reliability, optimizing energy allocation, and improving power quality. This study provides an overview, including technological progress, principles, advantages, and the significance and development of their collaborative applications. The synergistic application of distribution network communication and distributed energy storage technologies represents an important development trend in the current power system sector, with substantial implications for improving grid stability, reliability, energy allocation optimization, and power quality enhancement.

Key words: distribution network communication, distributed energy storage technology, grid stability, environmental protection

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