Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (8): 2638-2648.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2023.0080
• Energy Storage Test: Methods and Evaluation • Previous Articles Next Articles
Yun DI(), Zhengzhu ZHOU, Huihong DANG, Zhihao GE(
Zhihao GE;
CLC Number:
Yun DI, Zhengzhu ZHOU, Huihong DANG, Zhihao GE. Modeling and verification of electric-thermal coupling in batteries based on ECM[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2023, 12(8): 2638-2648.
Table 1
Constant-current charge-discharge shelving test Procedures at 25 ℃ and 0.5 C"
步骤 | 程序 | 截止条件 |
1 | 0.33 C恒流放电(25 ℃) | 电压≤3 V |
2 | 静置(25 ℃) | 时间≥2 h |
3 | 0.5 C恒流充电(25 ℃) | 单步容量≥5.2 Ah |
4 | 静置(25 ℃) | 时间≥1 h |
循环步骤3~4 | … | 循环数≥10 |
S1 | 0.33 C恒流充电(25 ℃) | 电压≥4.2 V |
S2 | 4.2 V恒压充电(25 ℃) | 电流≤0.05 C |
S3 | 静置(25 ℃) | 时间≥2 h |
S4 | 0.5 C恒流放电(25 ℃) | 单步容量≥5.2 Ah |
S5 | 静置(25 ℃) | 时间≥1 h |
循环步骤S4~S5 | … | 循环数≥10 |
倒数第二步 | 0.33 C恒流放电(25 ℃) | 电压≤3 V |
最后一步 | 静置(25 ℃) | 时间≥1 h |
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