Recent progress and outlook of thermal energy storage technologies
JIANG Zhu,1, ZOU Boyang1, CONG Lin1, XIE Chunping2, LI Chuan3, QIAO Geng4, ZHAO Yanqi5, NIE Binjian1, ZHANG Tongtong1, GE Zhiwei6, MA Hongkun1, JIN Yi7, LI Yongliang1, DING Yulong,1
1.Birmingham Centre for Energy Storage, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
2.Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment (GRI), London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE ), London WC2A 2AE, UK
3.MOE Key Laboratory of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
4.Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute Europe GmbH, Berlin 10623, Germany
5.Institute of Intelligent Flexible Mechatronics, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, Jiangsu, China
6.Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
7.Jiangsu Jinhe Energy Technology Co. , Ltd. , Zhenjiang 212499, Jiangsu, China
Thermal energy storage (TES) plays an important role in addressing the intermittency issue of renewable energy and enhancing energy utilization efficiency. This study focuses on recent progress in TES materials, devices, systems, and government policies. In terms of the TES materials, the formulation of composite TES materials (e.g., phase change and thermochemical materials) to improve material performance, molecular-scale simulation of the material properties, and the associated fabrication technologies have been summarized. Corrosion challenges of TES materials in practical applications were reviewed, especially high-temperature molten salt corrosion. Heat transfer enhancement measures of the slab type, packed bed, and tube-and-shell TES heat exchangers were discussed for TES devices. Besides, TES systems based on latent heat storage and thermal management, thermochemical heat storage, and liquid air energy storage, have been introduced. Finally, government policies of different countries to facilitate TES technology deployment were reported.
Keywords:sensible heat storage
latent heat storage
thermochemical heat storage
liquid air energy storage
policies and economics
Fig. 2
Numbers of publications and patents over the past 20 years, and the proportions of different energy storage technologies (Scopus, key word is energy storage technology)
Fig. 12
Photographs of carbonate salt tested with (a) non-graphitized and (b) graphitized SS347 at 600 ℃ for 600 h. Photographs of (c) non-graphitized and (d) graphitized SS347 tested in the carbonate salt at 600 ℃ for 600 h
Fig. 15
Composite PCM modules for latent heat storage devices and the establishment of the dynamic correlations between the devices and the PCM modules
此外,全球大部分大型储热技术设施的装机主要来自北欧(尤其是丹麦、德国和瑞典)的区域供热系统。其中,太阳能区域供热(solar district heating,SDH)系统在欧洲供热部门的能源转型中发挥着重要作用。丹麦在太阳能区域供热系统的装机数量和容量上领先全球,70%以上的大型太阳能区域供热厂都在丹麦建造[184]。热井储热和钻孔储热是丹麦太阳能供热厂中最常见的两种跨季节地下储热技术。由于地下储热技术的大量使用,目前丹麦、德国和瑞典等欧盟国家的区域供热储能装机容量在全球占比超过60%。丹麦能源政策的特点是注重能源系统的整体规划,充分发挥可再生能源的税收政策和辅助政策框架之间的协同效应,如税收减免、上网电价补贴政策以及投资补助等,并通过热电联产以及广泛应用储热技术等多项措施极尽所能地利用当地的可再生能源、余热和废热[3]。
4.1.2 供冷
联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)预测全球的制冷需求将从2000年的300 TWh大幅增长至2100年的10000 TWh,约占到彼时全球电力总需求的一半[185]。储冷应用中,冰储冷已经成功商业化,而相变储冷大多还处于实验室规模的研究[186]。全球范围来看,储冷项目目前大部分位于美国,有少数一些大型项目位于气温较高的国家,如卡塔尔、约旦等。截至2017年,美国已部署了将近100 MW的冰储热系统,其中绝大部分位于纽约和宾夕法尼亚州[187]。美国对储能产业的支持政策具有覆盖面广和前瞻性布局的特点,例如,2020年12月美国能源部(DOE)发布的能源存储大挑战路线图(Energy Storage Grand Challenge Roadmap)[188],旨在创造和维持美国在储能领域的领导地位。2021年3月,美国能源部宣布将投资7500万美元建设一个国家级的储能技术研究与开发中心(Grid Storage Launchpad,GSL),研究方向将重点涉及储热和储电。除了国家层面的战略规划外,各州层面也制定了各类鼓励储能的政策,涵盖财税政策、市场环境及监管机制等多方面[189-190]。
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... 此外,全球大部分大型储热技术设施的装机主要来自北欧(尤其是丹麦、德国和瑞典)的区域供热系统.其中,太阳能区域供热(solar district heating,SDH)系统在欧洲供热部门的能源转型中发挥着重要作用.丹麦在太阳能区域供热系统的装机数量和容量上领先全球,70%以上的大型太阳能区域供热厂都在丹麦建造[184].热井储热和钻孔储热是丹麦太阳能供热厂中最常见的两种跨季节地下储热技术.由于地下储热技术的大量使用,目前丹麦、德国和瑞典等欧盟国家的区域供热储能装机容量在全球占比超过60%.丹麦能源政策的特点是注重能源系统的整体规划,充分发挥可再生能源的税收政策和辅助政策框架之间的协同效应,如税收减免、上网电价补贴政策以及投资补助等,并通过热电联产以及广泛应用储热技术等多项措施极尽所能地利用当地的可再生能源、余热和废热[3]. ...
... [109-110]Photographs of carbonate salt tested with (a) non-graphitized and (b) graphitized SS347 at 600 ℃ for 600 h. Photographs of (c) non-graphitized and (d) graphitized SS347 tested in the carbonate salt at 600 ℃ for 600 hFig. 122 储热装置的拟和传热强化2.1 相变传热过程和数值求解方法
... -110]Photographs of carbonate salt tested with (a) non-graphitized and (b) graphitized SS347 at 600 ℃ for 600 h. Photographs of (c) non-graphitized and (d) graphitized SS347 tested in the carbonate salt at 600 ℃ for 600 hFig. 122 储热装置的拟和传热强化2.1 相变传热过程和数值求解方法
... 此外,全球大部分大型储热技术设施的装机主要来自北欧(尤其是丹麦、德国和瑞典)的区域供热系统.其中,太阳能区域供热(solar district heating,SDH)系统在欧洲供热部门的能源转型中发挥着重要作用.丹麦在太阳能区域供热系统的装机数量和容量上领先全球,70%以上的大型太阳能区域供热厂都在丹麦建造[184].热井储热和钻孔储热是丹麦太阳能供热厂中最常见的两种跨季节地下储热技术.由于地下储热技术的大量使用,目前丹麦、德国和瑞典等欧盟国家的区域供热储能装机容量在全球占比超过60%.丹麦能源政策的特点是注重能源系统的整体规划,充分发挥可再生能源的税收政策和辅助政策框架之间的协同效应,如税收减免、上网电价补贴政策以及投资补助等,并通过热电联产以及广泛应用储热技术等多项措施极尽所能地利用当地的可再生能源、余热和废热[3]. ...