Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (1): 263-277.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2022.0428
• Energy Storage Test: Methods and Evaluation • Previous Articles Next Articles
Linwang DENG1(), Tianyu FENG1(
), Shiwei SHU1, Bin GUO1, Zifeng ZHANG2
Tianyu FENG;
CLC Number:
Linwang DENG, Tianyu FENG, Shiwei SHU, Bin GUO, Zifeng ZHANG. Nondestructive lithium plating online detection for lithium-ion batteries: A review[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2023, 12(1): 263-277.
Fig. 7
Under the conditions of ambient temperature T=-15 ℃, initial SOC=50%, and charging current I=2 C, charge the battery to a different SOC end state (a) changes in voltage, current and temperature during relaxation Graph; (b) the relationship between differential voltage dV/dt and t; (c) the relationship between differential time dt/dV and V[16]"
Fig. 10
Under ambient temperature T=-15 ℃, initial SOC=50% and charging current I=2 C, the battery is charged to a different SOC for an hour after the end state. A short impedance is performed every 10 minutes spectral test plus a 10 h measurement value, (a) R0, rel (the point where the imaginary part is 0) and (b) |Z|rel, 5 Hz (the real part of the impedance at a frequency of 5 Hz) two resistance values increase with the relaxation time(Different colors represent different changes in SOC) [16]"
Table 1
Comparison of different nondestructive lithium plating detection methods"
检测方法 | 电芯 | BMS应用可行性 | 检测时间 | 量化析锂 | 参考文献 | |
基于锂引起电芯老化的检测方法 | 阿仑尼乌斯曲线法 | Li x Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2/Li y Mn2O4混合正极和石墨负极的商用18650型电池 | 否 | 长 | 否 | [ |
库仑效率法 | Li[Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3]O2/石墨软包 | 否 | 长 | 否 | [ | |
基于锂引起阻抗变化的检测方法 | 阻抗-容量法 | 三元18650型电芯 | 是 | 长 | 否 | [ |
电荷转移阻抗检测法 | NCA/石墨电池 | 是 | 短 | 是 | [ | |
基于锂引起电化学 反应的检测方法 | 负极电位测量法 | 特制三电极电芯 | 是 | 是 | 是 | [ |
小电流放电法 | LFP | 否 | 短 | 是 | [ | |
电压弛豫法 | LFP | 是 | 短 | 是 | [ | |
动态放电检测法 | 三元电芯 | 是 | 短 | 是 | [ | |
电化学阻抗谱分析法 | LFP | 否 | 短 | 否 | [ | |
弛豫时间分布法 | LCO | 否 | 长 | 是 | [ | |
非线性频谱响应分析法 | NMC | 否 | 短 | 是 | [ | |
基于锂引起电芯物理化学特性变化的检测方法 | 厚度测量法 | 软包电芯 | 否 | 长 | 否 | [ |
超声波检测法 | 软包电芯 | 否 | 长 | 否 | [ | |
H2检测法 | 非硬壳类电芯 | 否 | 长 | 否 | [ |
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