Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (10): 3480-3490.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2024.0244
• Energy Storage System and Engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
Jie WANG1(), Xiaoyao NING2, Xuehui WANG1(
), Jian WANG1
Xuehui WANG;
CLC Number:
Jie WANG, Xiaoyao NING, Xuehui WANG, Jian WANG. Experimental study on the explosion characteristics of lithium-ion electrolyte solvent/air mixture[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2024, 13(10): 3480-3490.
Table 2
Simulated maximum explosion pressure Pmax,ad fitting coefficient changing with equivalence ratio"
温度/K | R2 | ||||
300 | -32.76072 | 1693.29955 | -719.52981 | 17.87222 | 0.9993 |
320 | -15.8188 | 1562.99867 | -663.06814 | 17.30455 | 0.9991 |
340 | -1.14051 | 1448.93148 | -614.17417 | 17.11271 | 0.99929 |
360 | 11.66003 | 1348.36016 | -571.55164 | 17.22104 | 0.99944 |
380 | 22.88976 | 1259.11266 | -534.16236 | 17.56372 | 0.99957 |
Table 3
Experimental maximum explosion pressure Pmax,exp fitting coefficient changing with temperature reciprocal 1/T0"
当量比ϕ | k | d | R² |
0.6 | 180.98674 | -1.11477 | 0.94465 |
0.7 | 153.12551 | 141.86729 | 0.97943 |
0.8 | 192.68075 | 76.80443 | 0.99931 |
0.9 | 219.14721 | 46.41482 | 0.95202 |
1 | 276.92451 | -83.45078 | 0.98783 |
1.1 | 250.50593 | 6.25612 | 0.99974 |
1.2 | 258.7523 | -9.57892 | 0.99969 |
1.3 | 254.5799 | 1.09647 | 0.97821 |
1.4 | 300.51253 | -140.66437 | 0.9887 |
Table 4
Maximum adiabatic explosion pressure Pmax,ad fitting coefficient changing with temperature reciprocal 1/T0"
当量比 | k | d | R² |
0.6 | 198.28893 | 68.78829 | 1 |
0.7 | 222.82119 | 61.26782 | 1 |
0.8 | 245.27285 | 50.99897 | 1 |
0.9 | 264.27652 | 40.75989 | 1 |
1 | 278.00888 | 34.91673 | 1 |
1.1 | 283.99354 | 38.90798 | 1 |
1.2 | 281.9118 | 52.50482 | 1 |
1.3 | 276.98075 | 1.09647 | 1 |
1.4 | 272.10566 | 72.00329 | 1 |
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