19 February 2013, Volume 2 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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Invited papers
Development and simulation of systematic of Micro-SMES for operating at high-temperature regions
QIU Ming, ZHU Jiahui, WEI Bin, ZHANG Hongjie
2013, 2 (1):  1-11.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-4239.2013.01.001
Abstract ( 411 )   PDF (12973KB) ( 346 )  
There has been remarkable progress in the technology for producing coated conductors recently. Long YBCO tapes would be widely devoted to various practical applications such as power cables, fault-current limiters and SMES. In the paper, an optimal design of a Micro-SMES magnet is proposed to minimize the amount of conductor material usage. This is obtained by considering anisotropic B-I characteristic of YBCO coated conductor while maintaining the energy storage capacity. The losses of the coils and current leaders were analyzed for the basic evaluation to the design of the sub-cooled liquid nitrogen (LN2) cryogenic system. A voltage-source-convertor (VSC) is empolyed to achieve the transimmison of energy and power between the SMES and the power system. The simulation of SMES was performed to investigate its roles in power system. Finally, the feasibility of its practical applications was discussed.
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Research progress on composite nanomaterials of semiconductor and noble metals
2013, 2 (1):  12-23.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-4239.2013.01.002
Abstract ( 579 )   PDF (33665KB) ( 496 )  
Recently the increasing research interest has been devoted towards the development of semiconductor-metal nanocomposites consisting of different classes of materials with coherent interfaces. This type of nanostructures combines materials with distinctly different physical and chemical properties to yield a unique hybrid nanosystem with multifunctional capabilities, and tunable or enhanced properties that may not be attainable otherwise. The accumulation of the nanocomposites creates great opportunities also a tremendous challenge to apply these materials for highly efficient energy conversion. In addition to promote the charge separation, the welcome feature for a semiconductor-metal nanocomposite also includes the electronic coupling between the semiconductor and metal domains. The primary objectives of this research area are: ①to develop facile process to produce high quality semiconductor nanocrystals; ②to build the feasible approaches for the deposition of metals on semiconductor nanocrystals; ③to understand the underlying chemistry in the size and structure control and the mechanisms for the next stage of development in both synthesis and rational manipulation of nanocomposites; ④to explore various applications of the nanocomposites in energy conversion area.
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Recent progress in zinc-bromine flow battery energy storage technologies
2013, 2 (1):  35-41.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-4239.2013.01.003
Abstract ( 1020 )   PDF (6943KB) ( 1136 )  
The use of zinc-bromine flow battery technologies has a number of advantages for large-scale electrical energy storage applications including low cost, long service life and environmental friendliness. It has a huge potential for a high extent of renewable energy penetration, distributed generation and smart grid. This paper briefly introduces the principle and component configuration of zinc-bromine flow batteries, analyzes their characteristics, and reviews recent state-of-art development in the area. Finally, recommendations for future research are proposed.
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Research highlight
Reviews of selected 100 recent papers for lithium batteries (Oct. 1 to Nov. 30, 2012)
SUN Yang, DONG Jinping, TANG Chun, LIN Mingxiang, XU Kaiqi, YAN Yong, HUANG Xuejie
2013, 2 (1):  42-54.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-4239.2013.01.004
Abstract ( 754 )   PDF (1811KB) ( 1506 )  
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Expert lectures
Fundamental scientific aspects of lithium batteries(I)--Thermodynamic calculations of theoretical energy densities of chemical energy storage systems
PENG Jiayue, ZU Chenxi, LI Hong
2013, 2 (1):  55-62.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-4239.2013.01.005
Abstract ( 2644 )   PDF  
Improving performances of current Li-ion batteries and developing new rechargeable electrochemical energy storage devices are highly desirable. The latter depends on successful developments of new materials, battery units and battery system optimization. This calls for radical changes in the methodology from the currently commonly used trial-and-error to rational designs based upon fundamental understanding of underlying physics and chemistry. This series papers will discuss various aspects including thermodynamic, kinetic, interfacial, materials, battery units and systems, and characterization techniques. This will hopefully shed some light on the research and development of new chemical energy storage technologies particularly batteries. This is the first paper in the series and will discuss the energy densities of batteries, showing theoretical calculations of energy storage densities of electrochemical energy storage systems from the Nernst equation, the limitation of chemical energy storage systems, and estimation of voltages of the electrode materials.
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Fundamentals of electrochemistry (Ⅱ)--Thermodynamic equilibrium and Nernst equation
LIAO Sida, JIA Zhijun, MA Hongyun, WU Xuran, WANG Baoguo
2013, 2 (1):  63-68.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-4239.2013.01.006
Abstract ( 2071 )   PDF (466KB) ( 2581 )  
Nernst Equation provides a quantitative relationship between the reversible potential of the electrode/cell, the standard electrode potential and the reactant activity. It is one of the most fundamental theories for the modern electrochemical engineering. Nernst Equation is an alternative formulation of thermodynamic equilibrium applicable to electrochemical reaction processes, and as a result, has been widely used in many industrial fields, including chemical power, anti-corrosion of metals, electrochemical analysis methods and so on. This paper reviews the background of Nernst's experiments, and Nernst's approaches to problems, which, in our view should benefit future research and development of electrochemical engineering.
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Principles and new development of thermal storage technology(I)
LI Yongliang, JIN Yi, HUANG Yun, YE Feng, WANG Xiang, LI Dacheng, WANG Caixia, DING Yulong
2013, 2 (1):  69-72.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-4239.2013.01.007
Abstract ( 739 )   PDF (3830KB) ( 821 )  
This article briefly introduces the background and thermodynamic basis of thermal storage technology. Based on the analysis the importance of high-grade thermal storage technology as well as the related applications are focused. It concludes that the new thermal storage materials for a wider temperature range and the system-level integration and optimization of thermal storage process are the new opportunities of thermal energy storage technology.
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