储能科学与技术 ›› 2020, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (5): 1327-1339.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2020.0123
刘欢庆(), 高旭, 陈军, 尹首懿, 邹康宇, 徐来强, 邹国强, 侯红帅, 纪效波(
Huanqing LIU(), Xu GAO, Jun CHEN, Shouyi YIN, Kangyu ZOU, Laiqiang XU, Guoqiang ZOU, Hongshuai HOU, Xiaobo JI(
Xiaobo JI
刘欢庆, 高旭, 陈军, 尹首懿, 邹康宇, 徐来强, 邹国强, 侯红帅, 纪效波. 钠离子电池层状氧化物正极:层间滑移,相变与性能[J]. 储能科学与技术, 2020, 9(5): 1327-1339.
Huanqing LIU, Xu GAO, Jun CHEN, Shouyi YIN, Kangyu ZOU, Laiqiang XU, Guoqiang ZOU, Hongshuai HOU, Xiaobo JI. Layered oxide cathode for sodium ion batteries: Interlayer glide, phase transition and performance[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2020, 9(5): 1327-1339.
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