Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 934-945.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2023.0789
• Energy Storage System and Engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
Qingquan QIU1(), Xiaoyue LUO1,2, Yuxin LIN1,2, Qingshan WANG3, Yan LI3, Zipan NIE1, Jingye ZHANG1, Liye XIAO1,2(
Liye XIAO;
CLC Number:
Qingquan QIU, Xiaoyue LUO, Yuxin LIN, Qingshan WANG, Yan LI, Zipan NIE, Jingye ZHANG, Liye XIAO. Research progress and key technologies in vertical gravity energy storage systems[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2024, 13(3): 934-945.
Table 1
Typical research, development and demonstration projects of gravity energy storage based on vertical shafts"
研发单位 | 研究方案 | 研发状态 |
英国Fraenkel Weight公司 | 卷扬提升机+单重物 | 2013年提出构想 |
英国Gravitricity公司 | 多卷扬提升机+单/多重物+门式码垛机 | 2020年提出构想;2021年完成250 kW样机测试 |
中国科学院电工研究所 | 卷扬提升机+多重物+轨道平车转载机 | 2021年提出构想;2022年完成10 kW样机测试 |
中煤能源研究院 | 卷扬提升机+多重物 | 2017年提出构想 |
葛洲坝中科储能技术有限公司 | 卷扬提升机+单重物 | 2018年提出构想 |
1 | MORSTYN T, CHILCOTT M, MCCULLOCH M D. Gravity energy storage with suspended weights for abandoned mine shafts[J]. Applied Energy, 2019, 239: 201-206. |
2 | O'GRADY C. Gravity powers batteries for renewable energy[J]. Science, 2021, 372(6541): 446. |
3 | 王粟, 肖立业, 唐文冰, 等. 新型重力储能研究综述[J]. 储能科学与技术, 2022, 11(5): 1575-1582. |
WANG S, XIAO L Y, TANG W B, et al. Review of new gravity energy storage[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2022, 11(5): 1575-1582. | |
4 | TRIEBEL C, REINCKE-COLLON C, BERNINGER U, et al. Method and apparatus for operating an electrical energy storage system: US11025063[P]. 2021-06-01. |
5 | |
6 | PEDRETTI A, GROSS W. Energy storage system and method: US20200028379[P]. 2020-01-23. |
7 | CHAVES E. Modular gravitational energy storage systems: US20210336478[P]. 2021-10-28. |
8 | 张正秋, 武安, 张海川. 一种依托煤矿矿井的重力储能系统: CN209676010U[P]. 2019-11-22. |
ZHANG Z Q, WU A, ZHANG H C. Gravity energy storage system depending on coal mine: CN209676010U[P]. 2019-11-22. | |
9 | 宋立平, 董宝光, 王东军, 等. 一种基于矿井立井筒、提升、运输系统的重力储能系统: CN109665430A[P]. 2019-04-23. |
SONG L P, DONG B G, WANG D J, et al. Gravity energy storage system of hoisting and transporting system based on mine vertical shaft: CN109665430A[P]. 2019-04-23. | |
10 | 邱清泉, 肖立业, 张京业, 等. 一种基于竖井和巷道的重力储能系统: CN113460841A[P]. 2021-10-01. |
QIU Q Q, XIAO L Y, ZHANG J Y, et al. Gravity energy storage system based on vertical shaft and roadway: CN113460841A[P]. 2021-10-01. | |
11 | 邱清泉, 肖立业, 聂子攀, 等. 一种基于多重物高效提升和转移的重力储能系统: CN114151296A[P]. 2022-03-08. |
QIU Q Q, XIAO L Y, NIE Z P, et al. Gravity energy storage system based on efficient lifting and transferring of multiple heavy objects: CN114151296A[P]. 2022-03-08. | |
12 | 邱清泉, 赵永明, 肖立业, 等. 一种多重物重力储能用自动接驳和停放系统: CN114899951A[P]. 2022-04-06. |
QIU Q Q, ZHAO Y M, XIAO L Y, et al. Automatic connection and parking system for multi-weight gravity energy storage: CN114899951A[P]. 2022-08-12. | |
13 | 先进能源科技战略情报研究中心 [EB/OL] .美ARPA-E资助1.75亿美元资助变革性清洁能源技术研发,2022-04-18. |
Advanced Energy Science and Technology Strategic Information Research Center [EB/OL]. ARPA-E grants $175 million to Fund Transformative Clean Energy Technology Research and Development, 2022-04-18. | |
14 | 先进能源科技战略情报研究中心.英国资助新型长时储能技术,2022-05-05. |
Advanced Energy Science and Technology Strategic Information Research Center. UK funds new long-term energy storage technology, 2022-05-05. | |
15 | LEE E R. Energy storage system and method of controlling the same: US20110148195[P]. 2011-06-23. |
16 | |
17 | 谭国俊, 冯维, 杨波, 等. 高效重力储能装置: CN106704121A[P]. 2017-05-24. |
TAN G J, FENG W, YANG B, et al. Efficient gravity energy storage device: CN106704121A[P]. 2017-05-24. | |
18 | 郑开云, 梁宏, 蒋励. 一种重力储能系统及其使用方法: CN111692055A[P]. 2020-09-22. |
ZHENG K Y, LIANG H, JIANG L. Gravity energy storage system and application method thereof: CN111692055A[P]. 2020-09-22. | |
19 | 邱清泉, 肖立业, 聂子攀, 等. 一种基于重载汽车提升的公路交通运输和电力储能系统: CN114194981A[P]. 2022-03-18. |
QIU Q Q, XIAO L Y, NIE Z P, et al. Highway traffic transportation and electric energy storage system based on heavy-load automobile lifting: CN114194981A[P]. 2022-03-18. | |
20 | 王际辉, 沈峰, 白宁, 等. 利用塔筒的储能装置: CN114856945A[P]. 2022-08-05. |
WANG J H, SHEN F, BAI N, et al. Energy storage device using tower drum: CN114856945A[P]. 2022-08-05. | |
21 | 杨豫森,王欣然.一种退役风机塔筒群: CN202310803010.8 [P].2023-06-30. |
YANG Y S, WANG X R. A decommissioned fan tower group: CN202310803010.8 [P].2023-06-30. | |
22 | 杜波, 张步斌, 冯海平. 矿井提升设备的发展现状及趋势[J]. 矿山机械, 2016, 44(6): 1-7. |
DU B, ZHANG B B, FENG H P. Development status and tendency of mine hoisting equipments[J]. Mining & Processing Equipment, 2016, 44(6): 1-7. | |
23 | 严旭东, 李甄军. "泰山号" 与"宏海号" 多吊点桥、门式起重机的选型比较[J]. 起重运输机械, 2015(6): 12-15. |
YAN X D, LI Z J. Comparison of the selection of multi-point overhead cranes and gantry cranes "Taishan" and "Honghai"[J]. Hoisting and Conveying Machinery, 2015(6): 12-15. | |
24 | 上官璇峰, 励庆孚, 袁世鹰. 多段初级永磁直线同步电机驱动的垂直提升系统[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2007, 27(18): 7-12. |
SHANGGUAN X F, LI Q F, YUAN S Y. The vertical hoist system driven by PMLSM with multi-segment primary[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2007, 27(18): 7-12. | |
25 | 严圣军, 王佳, 董雪, 等. 一种基于纵向延伸与横向耦合的重力储能装置及其布置方法: CN115347682A[P]. 2022-11-15. |
YAN S J, WANG J, DONG X, et al. Gravity energy storage device based on longitudinal extension and transverse coupling and arrangement method thereof: CN115347682A[P]. 2022-11-15. | |
26 | 严旭东, 马骏. "泰山号" 与"宏海号" 多吊点桥、门式起重机的运行机构[J]. 起重运输机械, 2017(1): 11-15. |
YAN X D, MA J. Operating mechanism of "Taishan" and "Honghai" multi-point bridge and portal crane[J]. Hoisting and Conveying Machinery, 2017(1): 11-15. | |
27 | 段波, 张生权. 垂直升船机电力拖动与控制设计研究[J]. 人民长江, 2009, 40(2): 88-90, 105. |
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28 | 李亚平, 齐义, 李彦卿, 等. 一种矩阵堆场式重力储能发电装置: CN114776540A[P]. 2022-07-22. |
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ZHAO H S, ZHAO X Y, LI C X. Mechanical lifting appliance for automatically grabbing and releasing gravity energy storage mass block: CN114852841B[P]. 2023-04-25. | |
38 | 罗晓悦, 邱清泉, 林玉鑫, 等. 一种竖井重力储能系统用井内重物块自动吊装结构及配合方法: CN2023115304969 [P].2023-11-16. |
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39 | 严圣军, 黄艳, 李军, 等. 一种基于势能和电能相互转换方式的重力储能发电机的启动运行并网系统及其方法: CN116526565A[P]. 2023-08-01. |
YAN S J, HUANG Y, LI J, et al. Starting operation grid-connected system and method of gravity energy storage generator based on mutual conversion mode of potential energy and electric energy: CN116526565A[P]. 2023-08-01. | |
40 | TONG W X, LU Z G, ZHAO H S, et al. The structure and control strategies of hybrid solid gravity energy storage system[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2023, 67: 107570. |
41 | 赵永明, 邱清泉, 聂子攀, 等. 重力/飞轮综合储能电机变流并网系统设计及运行特性[J]. 储能科学与技术, 2022, 11(12): 3895-3905. |
ZHAO Y M, QIU Q Q, NIE Z P, et al. Design and operating characteristics of a grid-connected motor-converting system for gravity/flywheel integrated energy storage[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2022, 11(12): 3895-3905. | |
42 | 邱清泉, 赵永明, 肖立业, 等. 一种重力结合飞轮的综合物理储能系统及储能方法: CN114784830A[P]. 2022-07-22. |
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