Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (9): 3112-3133.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2024.0596
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Jinbao FAN1(), Na LI2, Yikun WU3, Chunwang HE1, Le YANG1, Weili SONG1, Haosen CHEN1(
Haosen CHEN;
CLC Number:
Jinbao FAN, Na LI, Yikun WU, Chunwang HE, Le YANG, Weili SONG, Haosen CHEN. Digital twin technology for energy batteries at the cell level[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2024, 13(9): 3112-3133.
Fig. 2
(a)The schematic and photograph of integrated functional electrode[25]; (b) The configuration of the optical fiber sensor implanted inside a commercial 18650 cell[29]; (c) The schematic illustration of wireless signal transmission[41]; (d) The schematic diagram of a full cell with a single optical fiber[52]; (e) The schematic of the in-situ strain measurement inside a cylindrical Li-ion battery[55]"
Fig. 3
(a) The gas pressure sensor on the top of the prismatic lithium-ion battery[57]; (b) The relative pressure sensor attached onto the perforated negative electrode of the cylindrical lithium-ion battery[58]; (c) The commercial lithium-ion battery with an implanted MEMS fiber-optic pressure sensor[59]; (d) Rapid measurement of gases inside a lithium-ion battery based on multiple NDIR sensors in a sealed tank[61]"
Fig. 4
(a) Schematic illustration of P2D model during discharge[79]; (b) Schematic illustration of SPM model during discharge[79]; (c) 2D simulation of temperature distribution inside a 18650 cell at the end of 1C (left-hand side) and 2C (right-hand side) discharge[71]; (d) 3D simulation of total heat generation (left-hand side) and temperature distribution (right-hand side) of a pouch battery at the end of 3C discharge[76]"
Fig. 5
(a) 2D simulation of von Mises stress in the fully charged state for a cylindrical cell[83]; (b) 3D simulation of displacement distribution of a pouch battery at the end of charge[85]; (c) Displacement distribution (left-hand side) and von Mises stress distribution (right-hand side) of a pouch cell at the end of charge[86]; (d) Temperature (left-hand side) and the projected stress fields (right-hand side) inside the jellyroll at the end of discharge under the forced convection condition[88]; (e) Temperature (left-hand side) and the projected stress fields (right-hand side) in jellyrolls for the nonisothermal case after being charged for 50 min[89]"
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