Energy Storage Science and Technology

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MU Linqin, QI Xinguo, HU Yong sheng, LI Hong, CHEN Liquan, HUANG Xuejie   

  1. Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
  • Received:2016-03-13 Revised:2016-03-30 Online:2016-04-05 Published:2016-04-05

Abstract: Sodium-ion batteries have attracted widespread attentions due to the abundant sodium resources and their potential low cost. It is crucial to develop low-cost and excellent performance cathode materials for SIBs. Herein, O3-NaCu1/9Ni2/9Fe1/3Mn1/3O2, a novel cathode material without Mn3+ has been synthesized by a simple solid-state reaction. Galvanostatic charge/discharge measurement for the O3-NaCu1/9Ni2/9Fe1/3Mn1/3O2 electrode between 2.0V and 4.0 V provides a reversible capacity of 127 mA·h/g and the average discharge voltage of 3.1 V. The full cell using it as the cathode and hard carbon as the anode delivers an energy density of 248 W·h/kg, an energy conversion efficiency of 93% and an excellent cycling performance.

Key words:  layered oxide, cathode materials, sodium-ion batteries