储能科学与技术 ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (11): 3545-3555.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2023.0512
Shuang SONG1(), Fu LI1,2, Xisheng TANG1,2(
Xisheng TANG
宋爽, 李福, 唐西胜. 锂离子电池安全状态评估研究进展[J]. 储能科学与技术, 2023, 12(11): 3545-3555.
Shuang SONG, Fu LI, Xisheng TANG. Research progress on the safety-state assessment of lithium-ion batteries[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2023, 12(11): 3545-3555.
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