Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2020, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (4): 1091-1097.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2020.0020
• Energy Storage Materials and Devices • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG"Chunyu(), GUO"Hang(
), WU"Yuting, ZHANG"Cancan, YE"Fang, MA"Chongfang
Hang GUO;
CLC Number:
ZHANG Chunyu, GUO Hang, WU Yuting, ZHANG Cancan, YE Fang, MA Chongfang. Forced convection heat transfer characteristics in a circular tube with low-melting-point quaternary nitrate[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2020, 9(4): 1091-1097.
Table 1
Basic physical properties of low melting point quaternary salt[17]"
名称 | 单位 | 拟合公式 | 适用范围 |
比热容cp,s | J·(g·K)-1 | cp,s=1.77878-7.55155×10-4t | 220 ℃≤t≤450 ℃ |
导热系数λs | W·(m·K)-1 | λs=3.83349-0.02857t+8.07852×8.07852×10-5t2-7.24056×10-8t3 | 250 ℃≤t≤500 ℃ |
黏度ηs | Pa·s | ηs=0.44845e(621.738/t) ×10-3 | 220 ℃≤t≤450 ℃ |
密度ρs | kg·m-3 | ρs=2.22744-9.43393×10-4t | 220 ℃≤t≤450 ℃ |
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