Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (12): 3836-3851.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2023.0522
• Special issue on composite thermal storage • Previous Articles Next Articles
Diling ZHANG1,2(), Xiang WANG2, Haojie LI1,2, Yuqian LIU1,2, Yun HUANG2(
), Ningzhong BAO1
CLC Number:
Diling ZHANG, Xiang WANG, Haojie LI, Yuqian LIU, Yun HUANG, Ningzhong BAO. Research progress on flame-retardant modification of shape-stabilized organic phase-change thermal-storage materials[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2023, 12(12): 3836-3851.
Table 2
Thermophsical properties of common organic heat storage materials[24-25]"
物质 | 熔点/℃ | 潜热/(kJ/kg) | 比热容/[kJ/(kg·℃)] |
石蜡C13~C24 | 22~24 | 189 | 0.210 |
石蜡C18 | 28 | 244 | 0.148 |
石蜡C19 | 32 | 222 | — |
石蜡C16~C28 | 42~44 | 189 | 0.210 |
石蜡C20~C33 | 48~50 | 189 | 0.210 |
癸酸 | 32 | 152.7 | 0.153 |
月桂酸 | 42~44 | 178 | 0.147 |
棕榈酸 | 63 | 187 | 0.162 |
硬脂酸 | 69 | 202.5 | 0.172 |
棕榈酸丙酯 | 10 | 186 | — |
新戊二醇 | 44 | 117 | — |
季戊四醇 | 189 | 210 | — |
聚乙二醇 | 66 | 190 | — |
Fig. 8
Flame retardancy test of composite materials[103]: (a) Digital photo of UL-0 test of sample CPM-94; (b) Sample CPM-94% UL-15 test digital photos; (c) The LOI value of the sample (the LOI value of PMC-32 increased by 87.15%); (d) heat release rate (HRR) curve; (e) Peak HRR (pHRR) value; (f) THR curve; (g) THR value based on THR curve; (h) Carbon images of four samples after cone test"
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