Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (10): 3491-3503.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2024.0396
• Energy Storage System and Engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
Yajun QIAO1(), Yimao REN2, Zijian TAN1, Huirou ZHANG2, Weixiong WU2(
Weixiong WU;
CLC Number:
Yajun QIAO, Yimao REN, Zijian TAN, Huirou ZHANG, Weixiong WU. Modeling internal short circuit and thermal runaway triggers in single-layer lithium-ion battery cells[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2024, 13(10): 3491-3503.
Table 2
Electrochemical and thermodynamic parameters[9, 34-38]"
参数 | 铜 | 负极 | 隔膜 | 正极 | 铝 |
密度ρ/(kg/m3) | 8960 | 1200 | 525 | 2860 | 2770 |
比热容cp /[W/(m·K)] | 385 | 1437.4 | 2050 | 1150 | 897 |
热导率k/[J/(kg·K)] | 395 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 0.4 | 240 |
最大锂浓度cs_max/(mol/m3) | — | 31507 | — | 49000 | — |
初始电解质盐浓度ce,0/(mol/m3) | — | 2000 | 2000 | 2000 | — |
电荷转移系数αa,αc | — | 0.5,0.5 | — | 0.5,0.5 | — |
固相锂扩散率Ds/(m2/s) | — | 3.9×10-14 | — | 1×10-13 | — |
电解质扩散率De/(m2/s) | — | 1.5×10-11 | 1.5×10-11 | 1.5×10-11 | — |
电极固相体积分数εs | — | 0.471 | — | 0.297 | — |
电解质相体积分数εe | — | 0.357 | — | 0.444 | — |
电极颗粒半径rs/μm | — | 14.75 | — | 10 | — |
扭曲布鲁格曼系数Brugl | — | 2.5 | 2.15 | 2.98 | — |
法拉第常数F/(c/mol) | 96485 | — | — | — | — |
摩尔气体常数R/[J/(mol·K)] | 8.314 | — | — | — | — |
参考温度Tref/K | 273.15 | — | — | — | — |
固液界面电阻RSEI/(Ω·m2) | — | 0.001 | — | 0.001 | — |
比表面积a/m-1 | — | 3εs/rs | — | 3εs/rs | — |
有效电解质扩散率Deeff/(m2/s) | — | εe1.5De | De | εe1.5De | — |
固相电导率σs/(S/m) | 5.998×107 | 100 | — | 3.8 | 3.774×107 |
液相电导率σe/(S/m) | — | — | σe=f(ce,T)[ | — | — |
有效固相电导率σseff/(S/m) | — | εs1.5σs | σs | εs1.5σs | — |
有效液相电导率σeeff/(S/m) | — | εe1.5σe | σe | εe1.5σe | — |
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