Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2022, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (3): 1008-1018.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2021.0629
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Dongge QIAO(), Xunliang LIU(
), Zhi WEN, Ruifeng DOU, Wenning ZHOU
Xunliang LIU;
CLC Number:
Dongge QIAO, Xunliang LIU, Zhi WEN, Ruifeng DOU, Wenning ZHOU. Numerical analysis of inhibition of lithium dendrite growth by heating and pulse charging[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2022, 11(3): 1008-1018.
Table 1
Model parameter values"
参数 | 数值 | 参考文献 |
界面迁移率Lσ | 2.5×10-6 m3/(J·s) | [ |
反应常数Lη | 1.0 s-1 | [ |
势垒高度Wξ | 3.75×105 J·m3 | [ |
梯度能系数κ | 5×10-5 J/m | [ |
电极中Li+扩散系数Ds | 7.5×10-13 m2/s | [ |
电解液中Li+扩散系数Dl | 7.5×10-10 m2/s | [ |
电极电导率σs | 1.0×107 S/m | [ |
电解液电导率σl | 1.0 S/m | [ |
电极比热容cps | 3600 J/(kg·K) | — |
电解液比热容cpl | 1200 J/(kg·K) | [ |
电极质量密度ρs | 590 kg/m3 | — |
电解液质量密度ρl | 1290 kg/m3 | [ |
电极热导率λs | 84.8 W/(m·K) | — |
电解液热导率λl | 0.45 W/(m·K) | [ |
对称因子α | 0.5 | [ |
各向异性强度δ | 0.05 | [ |
各向异性模数ω | 4 | [ |
锂体积浓度c0 | 1×103 mol/m3 | [ |
锂物质的量浓度cs | 7.64×104 mol/m3 | [ |
活化能Ed | 3.3×104 J/mol | [ |
Fig. 5
Dendritic morphology formed under constant current (a), tOFF/tON=0.5 and tON=5 ms (b), tOFF/tON=1 and tON=5 ms (c), tOFF/tON=1 and tON=5 ms (d) pulse charging frequencies, respectively. (The initial condition of the first row is multiple points, and the initial condition of the second row is uniform plane)"
Fig. 6
(a) morphology of lithium dendrite formed under different conditions and its corresponding concentration field, 293 K, constant current (column 1); 323 K, constant current (column 2); 293 K, tOFF/tON=2 and tON=5 ms pulse current (column 3), (b) average dendrite growth rate under different diffusivity and overpotential values, (c) relationship between average dendrite growth rate and Da number[(c1), (c2), (c3) show the dendritic morphology under different Da values]"
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