Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2022, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (5): 1401-1410.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2021.0580
• Energy Storage Materials and Devices • Previous Articles Next Articles
Zhicheng CHEN(), Zongxu LI, Ling CAI, Yisi LIU(
Yisi LIU;
CLC Number:
Zhicheng CHEN, Zongxu LI, Ling CAI, Yisi LIU. Development status and future prospects of flexible metal-air batteries[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2022, 11(5): 1401-1410.
Fig. 1
(a) Ni Ti alloy deposited MnO2 catalyst as air electrode wound into a cable-shaped flexible cell [12]; (b) Ni Ti alloy deposited MnO2 as electrode, assembled into aqueous zinc ion battery 1 C to 5 C discharge diagram. Cyclic stability of the Zn@NT-MnO2/PPy@SS battery in aqueous electrolyte at 5 C, inset shows the comparative study of Zn@NT-MnO2@SS system without PPy coating at 5 C; (c) Rate capability of Zn@NT-MnO2/PPy@SS yarn battery from 0.5 to 4 C in the gelatin-borax electrolyte; Cyclic stability of the yarn battery in the gelatin-borax electrolyte at 2 C. (d) Schematic diagram of a flexible air electrode prepared using silk fibrin as precursor and gelatin as electrolyte to assemble the cell[13]; (e) Cable type battery bending at different angles discharge voltage change graph"
Fig. 2
(a) Single planar-type structure cell; (b) Multiple cells with planar-type structure connected in series[14]; (c) Charge and discharge polarization curves of planar-type structure cell; (d) cycle performance and open circuit voltage; (e) Charge and discharge of planar-type structure cell under bending deformation in different angles"
Fig. 3
(a) Schematic diagram of sandwich structure flexible cell[15]; (b) Sandwich layered cell assembled by coating Co-CoO@NSC on carbon cloth[16]; (c) Cross-sectional view of a solid zinc-air cell prepared by depositing catalyst and zinc powder on each side of the solid electrolyte[17]; (d) Polarization and power density curves and (e) discharge curve at 8.3 mA/cm2 of the ZAB; (f) The galvanostatic discharge profile of one, two and three tandem devices at a discharge current of 0.15 mA"
Table 1
Overview of air electrode related problems and solutions"
相关问题 | 原因 | 影响 | 解决办法 |
缓慢的反应速率 | 氧还原(ORR)与析氧反应(OER)的过电位太高[ | 能量密度与能量效率受到限制 | 开发高效稳定的电催化剂 |
空气电极溢流 | 电解液渗透进空气电极的孔隙 | 减少氧气进入 | 用石蜡处理空气电极;优化气相扩散层(GDL) |
碳酸盐沉淀 | 大气中的CO2与碱性电解液反应产生碳酸盐沉淀[ | 降低电解液导电性与空气电极活性 | 用纯氧代替以减少CO2浓度 |
电解液渗漏 | 开放体系水分蒸发 | 缩短电池寿命 | 优化气相扩散层(GDL) |
电极结构组成复杂、制备繁琐 | 黏结剂等添加物会增加非活性物质组分 | 堵塞孔结构、降低电导率等 | 简化电极结构,采用自支撑式空气电极 |
Fig. 4
(a) In situ growth catalyst on carbon cloth as free-standing electrode[23]; (b) Discharge polarization and the corresponding power density curves of N, Co-CNTs ZAB and Pt/C+RuO2 ZAB; (c) Galvanostatic discharge of N, Co-CNTs ZAB and Pt/C+RuO2 ZAB with different current densities; (d) Galvanostatic charge-discharge profile of N, Co-CNTs ZAB and Pt/C+RuO2 ZAB"
Table 2
Ionic conductivity of various polymer gel electrolytes"
凝胶类型 | 各种物质比例 | 离子电导率 | 引用 |
PVA+PVP+KOH | PVA∶PVP=8∶2 40% KOH | (1.5±1.1)×10 -4 S/cm | [ |
PVA+AA+KOH | PVA∶AA=7∶3 6 mol/L KOH | 3.5510 -2 S/cm | [ |
PEO+PVA+glass-fiber-mat | PEO∶PVA=1∶1 | 0.0475 S/cm | [ |
PVA+PAA+KOH | PVA∶PAA=10∶7.5 | 0.301 S/cm | [ |
PAM+PVP+H3PO4 | AM∶PVP=1∶0.16 | 0.138 S/cm | [ |
P(BMA-St)+PEG | P(BMA-St)∶PEG=1.25 g∶0.67 mL | 2.2×10 -3 S/cm | [ |
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