Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (11): 3387-3394.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2023.0515
• Energy Storage System and Engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
Guanlin PENG1,2(), Xiaodong LING1,2(
), Yujie LIN1,2, Hui JIANG1
Xiaodong LING;
CLC Number:
Guanlin PENG, Xiaodong LING, Yujie LIN, Hui JIANG. Simulation study on explosion and relief of parallel prefabricated cabin exchange power station[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2023, 12(11): 3387-3394.
Table 1
The size and location of the building and key parts of the power exchange station"
建筑名称 | 尺寸(长×宽×高) | 起始坐标 |
燃爆换电舱 | 11.55 m×3.55 m×3.2 m | (0,0,0) |
邻侧换电舱 | 11.55 m×3.55 m×3.2 m | (6.55,0,0) |
换电站控制室 | 3.2 m×3.55 m×3.2 m | (6.55,-3.55,0) |
燃爆换电舱排气扇 | 0.5 m×0.5 m×0.5 m | (0,1,2.2) |
邻侧换电舱排气扇 | 0.5 m×0.5 m×0.5 m | (10.1,1,2) |
燃爆换电舱百叶窗 | 0.5 m×3.2 m×0.5 m | (0.2,11.55,2.5) |
邻侧换电舱百叶窗 | 26 m×22 m×14 m | (6.7,11.55,2.5) |
Table 6
The degree of damage to buildings under different overpressure conditions"
建筑类型 | 峰值超压/kPa | 建筑物损坏程度 |
钢结构厂房等钢框架、轻钢护结构建筑物 | 10.4 | 维护结构板材被撕裂,内部墙体毁坏,存在坠落物造成的危险 |
17.3 | 建筑物框架存在但有变形,维护结构及内部墙体毁坏 | |
34.5 | 全部毁坏 | |
未配筋砌体墙建筑物 | 6.9 | 没有易碎窗户的墙体部分倒塌,无法居住 |
8.6 | 墙体及屋面部分毁坏 | |
10.4 | 完全倒塌 | |
20.7 | 完全倒塌 | |
钢结构或混凝土根架,未配筋砌体填充墙建筑物 | 10.4 | 墙体向内坍塌 |
13.8 | 屋面板倒塌 | |
17.3 | 整个框架倒塌 | |
34.5 | 完全倒塌 | |
钢筋混凝土或配筋砌体剪力墙建筑物 | 27.6 | 屋面及墙体变形,内部墙体破坏 |
41.4 | 建筑物主要构件破坏、倒塌 | |
82.8 | 完全倒塌 |
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