Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (12): 4339-4348.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2024.0706

• Special Issue on Thermochemical Energy Storage • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Experimental study on the performance of a pumped thermal electricity storage system based on the subcritical organic rankine cycle

Wenjun SONG1(), Zhonglu HE1(), Bin CAO2, Ziwei LIANG1, Chunmei GUO1   

  1. 1.Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin 300384, China
    2.Tianjin University, Tianjin 300354, China
  • Received:2024-07-31 Revised:2024-09-05 Online:2024-12-28 Published:2024-12-23
  • Contact: Zhonglu HE;


Pumped thermal electricity storage (PTES) based on the subcritical organic Rankine cycle (ORC) realizes the electricity storage function through the heat pump cycle, heat storage-release process, and ORC process. PTES operates in a low-temperature zone and can use a low-temperature heat source to improve the roundtrip energy storage efficiency. This paper further studies the dynamic performance of the PTES based on subcritical ORC by building an experimental platform of the system and performing experiments and performance analysis of the entire charging-discharging cycle under the conditions of heat sources at 80 ℃ and 90 ℃. The results show that the system storage efficiency cycle increases from 21.8% to 46.1% when the low-temperature heat source increases from 80 ℃ to 90 ℃. Increasing the temperature of the heat source can significantly improve the storage efficiency cycle. Due to the unsteady state of the heat transfer characteristics of the storage-release process, the operating parameters change over time during the system charging-discharging cycle. Under the heat source condition of 90 ℃, the charging process lasts for 3120 seconds, the average coefficient of performance (COP) of the heat pump cycle is 6.27, and the compressor power grows from 1.3 kW to 3.7 kW. The discharge time is 980 seconds, and the net discharge power decreases from 5.3 kW to 1.8 kW, with an average ORC efficiency of 8%. Under the heat source condition of 80 ℃, the charging process lasts for 6480 seconds, the average COP of the heat pump cycle is 5.44, and the compressor power grows from 1.6 kW to 3.6 kW. The discharge time is 1080 seconds, and the net discharge power decreases from 4.7 kW to 2.8 kW, with an average ORC efficiency of 7.9%.

Key words: pumped thermal electricity storage, organic Rankine cycle, roundtrip efficiency of energy storage, dynamic performance analysis

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