Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (7): 2079-2094.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2023.0295
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Yi WANG1(), Xuebing CHEN1, Yuanxi WANG1, Jieyun ZHENG1,2, Xiaosong LIU1,3, Hong LI1,2(
Hong LI;
CLC Number:
Yi WANG, Xuebing CHEN, Yuanxi WANG, Jieyun ZHENG, Xiaosong LIU, Hong LI. Overview of multilevel failure mechanism and analysis technology of energy storage lithium-ion batteries[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2023, 12(7): 2079-2094.
Table 1
Summary of main failure forms and analysis techniques of key materials in battery"
材料 | 失效形式 | 分析技术 |
正/负极材料 | 结构失效 (相变、颗粒 开裂、剥离) 组成失效 | X射线衍射(X-ray diffraction,XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscope,SEM)、透射电子显微镜(transmission electron microscopy,TEM)、拉曼光谱(Raman)、纳米-电子计算机断层扫描仪(nano-computerized tomography,nano-CT)、中子衍射(neutron diffraction,ND)、扩展X射线吸收精细谱(extended X-ray absorption fine structure,EXAFS) 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer,ICP-OES)、X射线光电子能谱(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,XPS)、飞行时间-二次离子质谱(time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry,TOF-SIMS)、软X射线吸收谱(soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy,sXAS)、X射线能谱(energy dispersive spectrometer,EDS)、X射线荧光光谱仪(X-ray fluorescence,XRF) |
表界面失效 | XPS、TOF-SIMS、俄歇电子能谱(Auger electron spectroscopy,AES)、EDS、红外光谱仪(Fourier transform infrared reflection,FTIR)、冷冻电镜(cryo-transmission electron microscope,cryo-TEM)、原子力显微镜(atomic force microscope,AFM) | |
电解液 | 氧化/还原分解、组成变化 | 核磁共振(nuclear magnetic resonance,NMR)、气相色谱质谱联用仪(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS)、液相色谱质谱联用(liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometer,LC-MS)、离子色谱(ion chromatography,IC) |
隔膜 | 氧化、堵孔、 刺穿等 | EDS、XPS、TOF-SIMS、FTIR、SEM |
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